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I am a big fan of young miniatures busts and I love painting them,I really like the new release 

All what I can see about new releases on the market is the fact that regardless of the subject military busts display smart and "heroic" faces as a common feature. So maybe the politically correct modellers of the "good" and "more interesting" other themes seem to prefer gay superheroes as well?What I find amusing/disturbing is how figures of Nazi soldiers are frequently depicted in the same way as how the Nazi propagandists portrayed themselves. As with Breker's male figures, these figures are easily readable as gay superheroes. Makes you wonder about the attraction people have to these figures. Is it just the camo? Would there be the same attraction if they were sculpted in more natural poses and with more natural features?
Just a thought.
There are two (in fact - for the experts....and - up to now - 21 German-WWII-busts, if I counted correctly . And a DAK-bust (YM1802) is already among them.![]()
What I find amusing/disturbing is how figures of Nazi soldiers are frequently depicted in the same way as how the Nazi propagandists portrayed themselves. Arno Breker ( Nazi Germany's most well know sculptor) work exemplified the way the nazis wanted to be perceived. His work and that of other Nazi sculptors depicted the "aryan" as " strong yet restrained, brutal yet pure, nude yet decent, virile but highly civilized". All qualities evoked in many of the sculpts of Nazi figures seen today, when, in reality the Nazis were anything but. Like the soldiers depicted in nazi art, most nazi figures produced today are poised heroically for battle, holding their wounded comrades, nobly and defiantly defending "the Reich" against overwhelming odds, having perfect facial symmetry,chiseled facial features, strong jaw bones, striaght noses, and full lips. As with Breker's male figures, these figures are easily readable as gay superheroes. Makes you wonder about the attraction people have to these figures. Is it just the camo? Would there be the same attraction if they were sculpted in more natural poses and with more natural features?
Just a thought.
I think most of us are sexually secure enough not to worry about things like that when we buy figures.As with Breker's male figures, these figures are easily readable as gay superheroes.
This is a really great bust, one of his best!
He concentrates him especially on WW2 and there are many persons who will buy this.
Why german?
The german soldiers have the most several uniforms and also the most several variants of camouflage pattern and equipment.
Also there is a big myth!!
Someone feels disturbed and the other go with..
is it not laughable
sculpt an englishman or american with horns on the steel helmet and you get praise
do an nice german and again you will get this silly comments
ohhhhhhhh no not again an german ect
well why do they sell better than other stuff
simply because they where the BEST AND SMARTEST SOLDIERS OF THEIR TIME and this shows even in resin or plastic
No, I'm sorry it's not. In fact the very opposite should be, and is, the case Stuart!!I think its time to back off. If you cant do any better dont comment
Mr.Young, please next time sculpt Fräu Merkel, I would love to paint her.Pedro.