Completed Critique GI BAR Gunner - Alpine Miniatures - 1/16 - Finished


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Great figure Adrian,
I would be interested to hear what techniques you used on the BAR, I'm currently working on a Korean War figure with BAR so any help would be great.
Hi Adrian,
Sorry I missed the launch of this beauty, swanning around the UK. What great detail and accuracy you have achieved on this piece.
Your weathering is impeccable throughout.
Good result.
Great figure Adrian,
I would be interested to hear what techniques you used on the BAR, I'm currently working on a Korean War figure with BAR so any help would be great.


Here's how I did the weapon (all Vallejo acrylics):

1. Base coat is a mixture of black and some brown. For the magazine I used plain black to get some contrast. You can also do the base with a blueish tone.

2. Very light drybrush of a slightly lighter black/brown.

3. Several coats of thinned satin varnish to slowly build up a sheen. Stop before it turns glossy. I used thinned gloss varnish here, but prefer using thinned Future floor polish for this. It seems to be tighter, with less pooling, if you know what I mean.

4. Careful drybrushing with progressively lighter mixes of metal paint (games workshop) and brown. The lightest mix only on a few selected spots. I would like to try doing this step with oils in the future, as they may well give a smoother result than acrylics, but overall I'm positively surprised by the games workshop metals. Not too grainy.

5. Some pin washes with black oil paint or acrylics to enhance some of the contrast lost with drybrushing.

6. In this case I added the marks on the barrel where a 'grab handle' can be attached. I noted it in some reference pics and thought it would make a nice touch. I taped off two areas on the barrel and did some drybrushing with metals.

Key steps are to use a varnish for a basic sheen, and then the drybrushing with metals mixed with the base coat. The drybrushing also helps to polish the sheen I think, and drybrushing a smooth surface gives a less grainy effect than when used on a matt surface.


Here's how I did the weapon (all Vallejo acrylics):

1. Base coat is a mixture of black and some brown. For the magazine I used plain black to get some contrast. You can also do the base with a blueish tone.

2. Very light drybrush of a slightly lighter black/brown.

3. Several coats of thinned satin varnish to slowly build up a sheen. Stop before it turns glossy. I used thinned gloss varnish here, but prefer using thinned Future floor polish for this. It seems to be tighter, with less pooling, if you know what I mean.

4. Careful drybrushing with progressively lighter mixes of metal paint (games workshop) and brown. The lightest mix only on a few selected spots. I would like to try doing this step with oils in the future, as they may well give a smoother result than acrylics, but overall I'm positively surprised by the games workshop metals. Not too grainy.

5. Some pin washes with black oil paint or acrylics to enhance some of the contrast lost with drybrushing.

6. In this case I added the marks on the barrel where a 'grab handle' can be attached. I noted it in some reference pics and thought it would make a nice touch. I taped off two areas on the barrel and did some drybrushing with metals.

Key steps are to use a varnish for a basic sheen, and then the drybrushing with metals mixed with the base coat. The drybrushing also helps to polish the sheen I think, and drybrushing a smooth surface gives a less grainy effect than when used on a matt surface.


Thank you Adrian! I will give it a whirl :)