Got mine yesterday and it was above my expectations. It obviously invites comparison with the Lost Battalion figure of the same scale, date, regiment and rank, and there is no doubt that LB has the more obviously appealing figure, with the head held high, shouting encouragement and holding the colours. Unfortunately, that figure has a lot of technical problems (including the thick -- 2.5" thick in real life -- colour which has the wrong battle honors on it and is past salvaging) that the Stormtroopers version avoids.
Aside from minor issues, like making the bearskin the right height instead of exaggeratedly tall (it should be 12" tall, 20mm in 120mm size), it has the slit in the left side of the coat, described in dress regulations, and the sword that goes through it. Very nice.
A figure that is looking down almost has to have something to be looking at. My idea of using a dead drummer boy was vetoed by granddaughter Sunny, so I'll settle for a drum instead.

The painting instructions refer to Mark's thread on this site. It is not on his vBench as state, but Mark kindly sent me the URL (thanks, mate!) and it is posted at the bottom of this thread.