HELP PLEASE......Which paints


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May 13, 2020
Hi, I am new to the group and hobby. I am interested in medieval type figures and looking firstly for a good quality model to start. Perhaps Tin Berlin? And the which would be the best paints to use? Thoughts would be appreciated although I am sure this is a question asked very frequently.....
Welcome here! I don't know your tastes or interests so I can't recommend specifically other than to just browse around to find something you like the looks of. There's nothing wrong with Tin Berlin, so if they have something you might like, I'd say just go for it. As for paints, most people use acrylic though quite a few also use artist oils. Take a look at the tutorial section to get an idea how to use them and/or check out youtube videos. Brands, especially to get started, matter very little in my opinion.
Many thanks Henkm. My local model shop (although closed at the moment) only carries the typical range of Warhammer. I have seen some really well painted Templar figures and this is the avenue I would like to try. Therefore I need to look for suppliers online and of course without seeing them it is difficult to gauge their quality. A couple of Warhammer figures I have tried in the past were cast in white metal and were well detailed. This is why I thought of Tin Berlin but I have not seen these first hand and I am sure there are maybe better alternatives...
For most of us, buying online is the only way to get figures other than visiting shows. You can generally buy directly from the manufacturer or from online shops. The latter allows you to combine orders from different sources which saves on postage.
There are many companies producing templar figures. If you use the search box above, the term templar will give 8 pages of hits (don't forget to untick 'search this forum only'). You could look through to see which one looks interesting. Mostly people here will comment that the model they paint is very nice but if necessary they will point out flaws. We also have a subforum dedicated to reviews. Even if those are not specifically about templars, reading through will give you an idea on the different manufacturers and their quality. Anyway, as long as you buy original (pirates are active online selling 'recasts'), I think you have little to worry about quality.

If you already have the colours you need from citadel paints, you can just use those. Same with brushes. In my opinion, don't overthink it, just get going. Try different things as you go. One model at a time you'll find what suits you.
As Henkm says perhaps don't worry too much about it to start off with. Find a figure you like, clean and assemble and prime it then paint with what you have. :)

I'm a fan of ancients and medieval myself, but will do anything if it appeals. If you're used to painting citadel sized figures a 54 mm will seem like a giant (They're also a bit cheaper) 75mm is a good size too, but pick something you want to paint and you can afford and then ask questions on the forum you'll get plenty of help.
(Don't rule out resin figures - the quality is excellent and they might be a bit easier to handle)

As to suppliers I regularly use Historex Agents, El Greco and SK Miniatures and would recommend all of them without hesitation. Have a browse on their websites to see what appeals to you (they also sell paints etc so you can get yourself sorted with anything else you might need)
I've just completed a Teutonic Knight which was 70mm high. Sculpted by Mike Blank in resin and pretty good value (about £32 + postage from SK Miniatures) Not many pieces and a simple paint scheme.. There are a lot of others about though; Pegaso, Andrea and Art Girona all make figures in metal which might 'float your boat'.

Have fun and welcome to Planet Figure

ps - I use acrylics these days, but have used oils and enamels. It comes down to personal choice, there are great artists that use all of them. Play about and see what you feel comfortable with is the best advice. In general acrylics are applied with thin watered down coats to build up shadows and highlights, oils are worked wet in wet to bend the two together because they take longer to dry so they give you more time to work with. That said there are ways of making acrylics dry slower and give oil effects and you can speed up drying times for oils if you really wanted to.
Great thanks DaddyO. I will have a good browse. Unfortunately all my Citadel paints have dried as it has been at least 10 years since I last had a go. Maybe this is good because I can restock..... but then how many do I buy to start with...? oh dear where's my cheque book
DaddyO - any chance of a link to the Teutonic Knight as I couldn’t see it on the site - ty

Evening Ty.
I know what you mean I always struggle with Steve's site. Here's the link for the fella on his ebay shop (He's got a few others listed too)
and here's the link to my thread about painting it

Let me know if you need anything else
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Hey I just wanted to throw in there that you should go ahead and use GW paint if you already own them but I don’t recommend buying more if you can access any other paint brand. They have inconsistent paint properties due to their base and layers system. I’m sure your local store can order other brands like Vallejo, scale color, ect. If your already shelling out the cash avoid the headache those paints will give you. If you are new to painting I would go for a more colorful model also. White is a hard color to paint when you are just starting. I would hate for you to give up on this wonderful hobby due to frustration starting out.
If you like the age of chivalry
Just look at books like

see how colourfull they are
Templar is simply white with a cross, they are legendary but why ? They were mainly a mafia mob, blackmailing the travelers on their way to Jerusalem offering protection for money or else....

If you are already used to the paints for warhammer, just use them first but with less contrast
And if you are familiar with 25 - 30mm size, they are a lot of producers making medieval figurines

I forgot
A cheap way to try painting 54mm
Buy a DelPado in their range Medieval Ages on ebay, it will cost you : foot 3 to 6€ mounted 5 to 9€ ( don't pay more than that )
Scrap the colours of and repaint them
all the range was designed by New Hope design in the 70ies 80ies, all those figures cames from Osprey Books drawing
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Have arrived at this very late, but I always use enamels for figures. The humbrol metalcote buffs into a very convincing finish on white metal figs' armour, but is a horror to shade afterwards as it's not colourfast. That said, once you get the hang, the results are nice.
Enamel dries slowly and lets you blend colours; I can't get on with acrylics for shading or highlighting but they're okay for a base colour to work off.
Have recently bought some Vallejo metallic colours and will be trying them out on a medieval subject next spring.
Hope that helps. Pegaso make lovely medieval subjects - which you probably know already - as do Romeo Models.
Hi there Rob

Apologies just seen this ...


Good to have you with us

A good question and good replys as well ...

We all have our preference brands wether it's acrylics, enamels or Oils ...I use P3 and Jo Sonja a lot

The Army Painter are good as well ...IMO

We have a painting section here split into Oiks and Acrylics

I would suggest you go with what you've used in the past

Don't go buying the sets of paints till you have got yourself settled in the hobby same goes with brushes ( Rosemary and Co series 33 and 22 are good )

Good idea about Del Prado ...have a play around with them ( Dettol should clean them )

Introduce yourself in the WELCOME ABOARD part ( lots of PF info there as well in the threads )

Do ask questions ...all will help or message me ( moderator for my sins ) if you wish

Happy benchtime


PS Where in Devon are you ?

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