2. Day, October 23, 2019
First, "Schnitzel" is primed today ...:
While the primer is drying, I build a wet pallet from an old lunchbox, two handkerchiefs and baking paper ...:
Then comes the hardest part for today: The color selection for the pig skin!
The problem is that it should not look too rosy, then it will later look like a caricature. In addition, the skin should not be too bright, so later the brighter bristles are still good to see, which will give the whole of the optical depth!
After some back and forth I decide for these colors ...:
The strong "Scarlet" red is used only extremely restrained!
Then I paint "Schnitzel's" skin - and bit by bit I work out the muscles and the lights and shadows.
To the base color ("Brown Rose" and "Scarlet" in the ratio about 5: 1) comes gradually for the shadows "Saddle Brown" and for the very deep shadows still a shot "Chocolate Brown" added.
The lights are created by gradually adding "Light Flesh" to the base color.
The today's intermediate state - "Schnitzels" skin now looks appropriately rosy but not too "Barbie-sticky" and at the same time dark enough, so that one can still see the costumes later ...:
So much for today.
P.S. BTW - if you want to express any criticism and / or have suggestions for improvement: I ask for it!