Please kick my arse
Firstly, my apologies to my friends who haven't received an update on my WIP.

The truth is I haven't made any further progress on this WIP, or any of my 7 other WIPs since late March. I need a kick in the arse to get back into my hobby room and start modelling again. My two year frenzy of modelling has come to a complete stop. I can make excuses, but I won't. I'm a lazy bastard and sometimes I just don't feel like modelling.
It's not that I've lost my passion for figure modelling, I'm just exercising the right of every hobbist to take a break from their hobby.
I've been modelling for 35 years and there've been long periods where I didn't model at all. But I've always come back to it with increased enthusiasm after a break, an I often make a quantum leap in my painting and sculpting afterwards.
I'm attending EuroMilitaire for the first time this year

, and I know I'm running out of time

. I want to take this model with me, plus my Monash bust and one or two others.
I need to fill the display case and clear workbench space for new recruits to my Grey Army.
Once again, my deepest apologies for neglecting my Scotsman and for disappointing my modelling mates, who look forward to seeing me finish this piece.
I can feel the urge to get back in the hobby room, but the cricket is on the TV and I've got a busy day tomorrow and its getting cold in the hobby room at night. Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh....I feel the need, the need for .....paint