I'm taking my time with the texturing. The past 2 nights I've been wetting and applying toilet tissue and cigarette papers to my figure, and giving him strand-by-strand hair replacement.
Once the figure is primed, texturing becomes difficult, so I'm looking at ways of replicating the rough woollen texture of the kilt, the socks and the shirt now, before I start painting. Hopefully this investment in detail will pay off when the colours go on.
I'm using single ply toilet tissue paper on the shirt and Tally Ho cigarette rolling papers for the tartan kilt and socks.
The hair is still a WIP, I'm adding individual strands now.

I've created the basic shape of the head and hair, and I now need to break up the uniformity of the shape of the hairs. I'll try applying heat to curl and shape the hair.
The cigarette paper worked well on the kilt and will create a smoother,more refined woollen texture than the rougher woven wool shirt. Hopefully the texturing of the kilt wont make painting the tartan pattern more difficult.
Much of the texturing I've added so far will be come loose and fall off when I do a surface clean up. The tissue will enhance the effects of the wind on the shirt and the cigarette paper will highlight the effects of the wind on the kilt and the socks.
It sounds silly to talk about movement and action with a static model, but as much as possible, I want to create the perception of movement using the shape and angle of the grass, the snow, the texture of the clothing, the hair, the flag pole and the flag. When you look at this model, I want you to feel the cold, biting wind, even if you can't see it.

Although this is clearly a single figure, I'm definitely seeing it more as a single figure vignette.