PlanetFigure Supporter
Hey guys,
3 questions--are printers inks the same thing as, for instance, the Citadel brand washes? Can printers inks effects be duplicated by creating your own washes with greatly watered down acrylics? I've seen a lot of guys mention printers ink but wasn't sure what they are. As for Historex (or Nemrod- what's the difference?) figures, how are they to work with as far as assembly? Do they mix well with other 54mm figures like Andrea or Pegaso? Thanks,
3 questions--are printers inks the same thing as, for instance, the Citadel brand washes? Can printers inks effects be duplicated by creating your own washes with greatly watered down acrylics? I've seen a lot of guys mention printers ink but wasn't sure what they are. As for Historex (or Nemrod- what's the difference?) figures, how are they to work with as far as assembly? Do they mix well with other 54mm figures like Andrea or Pegaso? Thanks,