Historical Miniature Magazine - review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Historical Miniature Magazine #49


I received my copy in the mail finally and sat down to some enjoyable reading. The magazine seems to get better and better with each issue and their new format and changes has made it much more eye appealing.

The First article was by our member, Bruno Schmaeling.


The article is about the Apsarokee Crow and a young woman by the name of Wah-bo-sehns and she is shown mourning for her husband who died from influenza. She is depicted sitting on a buffalo robe with her baby at the burial site of her husband. The figure was sculpted by Alan Ball for Bruno and the article takes you through the painting process in several steps. The remaining article goes into the history of the Apsarokee with photographs of various articles of clothing and equipment. An excellent article by Bruno covering 7 pages. I hope to see more articles of this “not to well covered subject” in the miniature magazine in the future.

Bruno Schmaeling's planetfigure vbench


The next article is show coverage of the Atlanta Show, 2005 with 41 photos of figures in competition there. The text was by Jon Harbuck with Photos by Phil Kessling and Bob Sarnowski. Many of planetfigure’s members have photographs of their figures in the article.


Article and Photos by Jurgen Nirschl
This article covers the new Pegaso 75mm Roman Centurion, “Primus Pilus” with photos of the real equipment as well as Jurgen’s painting of the sheild. The article covers the construction and painting of this beautiful figure and includes his groundwork steps which enhances the figure in its completition. The article gives an excellent overview of the figure, history and Vallejo colors used.


Article and photos by Stephen Malia
This is an article by longtime planetfigure member, Stephen Malia and covers the creation of his Diorama,” Le Nouveau Musicien “ Stephen covers the sculpting, painting and gives all the color mixes for the painting of this WE 2005 award winner. An excellent description of the hand painted tiles he so laborously painted for this scene. Loaded with beautiful color photos of Stephen’s work. Its great to see one of our members take his vbench article and turn it into a magazine article for all to benefit from.

Stephen Malia's vbench articles

Another article of the 2004 Long Island Show by Kevin Dunne with photos by Greg DiFranco shows the figures of many planetfigure members competing at Long Island. 35 beautiful color photographs of the popular entries there.

Overall an excellent issue with loads of reference articles and show photos. Steve Weakly is doing an excellent job of improving each issue. I look forward to #50 which I hope will be a special issue of the WE2005.