I slept on this overnight and I still like this idea the best.Why?Well number one is the fact that because the R/H side is kind of walled off,it forces the viewer to look at the diorama from the front and slightly to the left to get to best view.
This puts the airplane/man on center stage high and on a pedestal so to speak.
The viewers eye would more than likely go there first, which for this diorama is a good thing.I want the main storyline up front this time, unlike the dog/airplane storyline which would be discovered almost by accident.
The views eye,I am hoping will then work its way down level by level expanding on the central storyline.I may have to re-work the clothes line idea and put it closer to the house rather than stung across the backyard,where it would command too much attention.
The pilot's car and the wreck in the backyard fits into the main storyline OK and the third car parked at the lowest level in the L/H lane way and maybe even half in the garage,should not be a distraction away from the central story.The rest is just eye candy like they say.
It is almost like a shadowbox without the box as it limits and directs the viewers eye where I want it to go.
Questions and comments?