I have to agree with you, Guy
My experience with modeling, and figures in particular, is that one interest leads to another. I first became interested in figures through trying to learn how to make more realistic pilots for stick and tissue WWI aircraft (which I haven't built for over two years now). I started collecting various figures that were interesting to me for one reason or another, until I became interested in samurai, which is my main area of interest.
But even a "focused" interest can lead one to explore other areas: reading about the Mongol invasions of Japan led me to learn more about the Mongols, and to acquire a couple figures along the way. Reading about the Meiji Restoration and the rapid westernization of Japan, leading to the American involvment in WWII has led me to learn more about Japanese military aviation-- both pilots and their training, and the planes. And to more kits acquired along the way.
I know that for me, part of the enjoyment of the hobby is acquiring kits to go along with my meandering reading. There is also another good reason to add kits, learned through sad experience: all too often, kits on my wish list disappear from the market place when they are discontinued, or a manufacturer closes his business
. I've learned to buy kits when I can afford them. If I should later loose interest in a subject, I can always sell the kit or give it to a friend, but it can be awfully hard to find a particular kit when it is discontinued.