How many kits to paint?


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Active Member
Jun 23, 2004
East Anglia, UK
While eagerly anticipating Euromilitaire and spending some nice cash there i was wondering, how many unpainted kits do you guys have in the cupboard? I seem to be collecting them at a far quicker rate than i can possibly paint them :) but i suspect you guys are much the same.

Keep in mind i'm pretty much newly back into the hobby over the last month or two.

So with that in mind my stock pile is at around 30 kits. I know you guys are gonna have hundreds but lets hear it.

It depends who is asking!!. I have an offical figure of three, however these can be miscounted as ten. If pressed the useful phrase is "I have had it for ages and stripped it down and was just getting around to having a go at repainting it".
I know how you feel John. When i call my wife from work i usually get an annoyed tone saying "another parcel has arrived for you".

It gets a little tricky. Luckily for me i am managing to self fund from the sale of other items. For a while at least.

I manage to hide the purchase of brushes, paints etc much better:)

I have some obscene number...

I recently shifted from armor-addict to figure-addict.
I have a couple of dozen WW2 armor kits left, although they're slowly shipping out.
I have a couple of dozen sets of plastic figures (Dragon and Tamiya).

I told you I was sick.

I have about a dozen metal 54mm figure kits - most of the Pegaso kits of interest to me, and some Andrea.
I recently got some Historex and Airfix plastic figure kits (thanks eBay!).

I'd better live to 200 or so, because I finish about 6 items a year.

Hi Keith,
"So many kits, so little time".....sigh

I am pretty sure I have at least one or more kit from
all the major manufacturers, this coupled with a healthy
supply of Historex and loads of Flat's (zinnfiguren)

Added to this a number of 28mm minis (yes, I was introduced to Rackham)
together with other manufacturers of the same or simalar

As if this is not enough ebay has thrown up more than a few odds and ends

As I write this I constantly look over my shoulder to see where my wife is, as in Kit collecting terms this is like bearing my soul.

But enough of that, Euro is coming and I shall undoubtedly find something
to catch my eye otherwise it wouldn't be Euro would it ?

Like so many, I have made the transition from armor / dio to figure.

So, have about 10 unopened armor kits and various 1/35 Dragon and DML figure kits that will be sold (some day... :lol: )

I have been a pretty good boy when it comes to figures knowing how long (oh so long) it takes me to finish a figure. So, I only have two in my unopened and unbuit pile.

I hate questions like this because I'm so compulsive that I have to go count kits to find out the awful truth. Tonight I counted on the shelf:

11 samurai and related kits, various scales and busts
4 mongol and related kits, various scales
7 WWI kits, 54mm, 70mm
13 miscellaneous figure kits, 54mm
8 armor and truck kits, 1/35, 1/72 (you know- for those dioramas I'm going to build someday)
8 plastic aircraft kits, 1/72, 1/35
3 stick and tissue aircraft kits (from the old days, plus dozens of plans and lots of balsa)
5 cardstock aircraft kits (free downloads from the internet!!)

plus 3 various kits "in progress". My current wish list is down to only 3 kits (that is, three kits that are readily available, all samurai).

At least I'm finally able to devote an hour or so 4 or 5 days a week to modeling again. It's been a hectic year so far, and, 2005 promises to be even more hectic.

All in all, 62 unstarted or unfinished kits is not so bad-- my wife has thousands of plants, and I shudder to think how many seeds!

Then i am a good guy,

I' am painting now a Latorre RF brigade, and i have the latest Celt from Pegaso on the shelf.
That's all.
I have some unbuild halftracks from my AFV dio period, those i build someday.

My wish is, and i hope i gotto stick on it (euromilitaire this weekend) one in progress and one on the shelf.

See you guys at Euro saturday.

I too am painting Latorres rifle brigade; need to finish for Euro so hope to have pics by the weekend.

As for unmade kits, I hate to think!

I have an old wooden box that used to contain 9-track computer reels; it's full to the brim (noticable dominant Pegaso, Pili-Pili (big boxes!) and Poste Militaire!!).

I AM painting more now (3 figures in a year - GASP!) but my additions far exceed my painting rate......

and then I go and sculpt something!


Shhhhh Don't mention the 1/35 scale kits

or the 28mm figures...............
I have only 4 kits in 70 mm all from Elite, which have just arrived, and 1 great sculpture of Joaquin Palacios in 1/10. It represents the work of the ;) 6 next months.. I don't buy nothing before finishing them. Reasonable not?
Marc / Bruno

Well done at showing such restraint. When i see a lovely figure (especially if it's cheap) i can't help but grab it. I admire your will and wish i could be the same.

I tend to build for about a year at time then paint


Actually, this sounds like a pretty good way to do things to me (y). I tend to bounce back and forth between projects, and often end up feeling as though I am accomplishing very little. I tend to enjoy the building/conversion stage, and then get distracted during the painting. I've recently been painting some 1/72 figures and find it much easier to stay focused on the painting when I'm working on several figures at once.

That sound like me. I have several hundred kits, mostly unbuilt. I think I just like too much stuff. I keep telling myself one of these days I will be able to build everything. Scale varies from 28mm gaming to 1/6 fantasy and everything in between: 1/35 armor, figs and helos, 1/24 autos, 1/16, 1/12, 1/9 figs.
I have between 50-60 metal and resin figures on the shelves in various scales. Also have a dussin or two of armor kits and a ton of DML figure kits. Just too much good stuff out there and when I find a good deal how can one resist!
I'm going to the workshop to back soon with an approximate number :lol:

Ray :(
I've counted about 65 kits in all, in various scales which include those which are planned for some conversion or other .......... ;)

As it had been mentioned earlier its very hard "not to fall" for that kit which I really like, or have been after for some time, irrelevant of how many "vows" I've taken NOT TO BUY ANYTHING BEFORE I PAINT @ LEAST 1/4 OF MY ARMY :angry:

I guess that "owning" my "army" is a major part of the enjoyement and fullfillment I get out of this wonderful hobby of ours :eek:
I think painting miniatures develops yet another hobby.....collecting kits. After 3 decades in the hobby, I have kits by manufactures alot of people have never heard of that end up in my closet. I just unloaded about 1/2 of my gray army through kitbay and swap meets. But I still buy more than I paint.....which is ok........its my other hobby besides painting.
I have to agree with you, Guy (y).

My experience with modeling, and figures in particular, is that one interest leads to another. I first became interested in figures through trying to learn how to make more realistic pilots for stick and tissue WWI aircraft (which I haven't built for over two years now). I started collecting various figures that were interesting to me for one reason or another, until I became interested in samurai, which is my main area of interest.

But even a "focused" interest can lead one to explore other areas: reading about the Mongol invasions of Japan led me to learn more about the Mongols, and to acquire a couple figures along the way. Reading about the Meiji Restoration and the rapid westernization of Japan, leading to the American involvment in WWII has led me to learn more about Japanese military aviation-- both pilots and their training, and the planes. And to more kits acquired along the way.

I know that for me, part of the enjoyment of the hobby is acquiring kits to go along with my meandering reading. There is also another good reason to add kits, learned through sad experience: all too often, kits on my wish list disappear from the market place when they are discontinued, or a manufacturer closes his business :(. I've learned to buy kits when I can afford them. If I should later loose interest in a subject, I can always sell the kit or give it to a friend, but it can be awfully hard to find a particular kit when it is discontinued.


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