Off to a great start . . .
Hi Ookami:
Wow, you're off to a great start on a figure that must be so difficult
to do. I've always figured that sculpting a female figure would be
more difficult than a male as their anatomy is much smoother and
not so angular, or chiseled as a man. . . But perhaps you're
proving me wrong.
When I first looked at your images, I definitely agreed with Ken, the upper
arms in the bicept area are too thin. But then I noticed the large fingers on
the right hand as well. And I'm thinking that you are intending more work in
those two areas, adding more heft to the arms and thinning down the fingers
of the right hand to match the hand holding the bow. Am I right?
Regardless, this is going to be a very nice piece. Love the addition of
the dog. And also the flow of the clothing across her thighs and
same for the cape.