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A Fixture
Aug 4, 2004
Hello. Can anybody give me information about this rifle? ("Prvate 1st Regt. continental Lt. Dragoons 1780")
Thank you in advance.

OK - I may be totally wrong and there are several forum members MUCH more knowledgable about the period, BUT...I have two suggestions .

1. Charleville Carbine - French made in the 1760s

2. Brown Bess

It would help to know the height of the model figure or its scale and the length of the model weapon if possible. Who makes or who made the figure?

All the best,
Dragoons of continental army had Charlesvilles carbines supplied by the french. Other possibilites are an amercian made musket cut into a carbine or a brown bess carbine. Since the French were the largest supplier of weapons to the Continetal army, I'd go with a Charlesville.

Dan's photo of the charlesville is a good one. Here's a picture of a brown bess carbine

Thank you very much, the information has been very useful.

The figure was sculpted by Alan Ball (Michael Roberts, Ltd.) and is a Figure in resin of 75 mm. I hope this picture can help you (the ruler is in cm.)
Originally posted by Okaouvou@Jul 7 2006, 11:50 AM
Hello , for me it's a "mousqueton". Did you give a look on the Web ???
Guapa figura .Bueno coraje . ;)
Yes, I did but I didn't find anything. I'll try it writing "mousqueton". Thanks for the information.

I looked at some of my references from the period and could not come up with a specific model of carbine/musketoon that even comes close to the one the miniature is supplied with. At first glance it looks French. Someone posted pics of a French carbine from 1760. If the picture is that of a reproduction I would NOT use it as a reference unless you have a photo of the actual weapon to compare it to as there are very few reproduction weapons that are exactly like the original. This could be one of those "pieces and parts" type of weapons made from a cut down musket. If not that it falls more into a "period style" or "historical fantasy" catagory.~Gary

photo of original 1777 French Charleville


photo of modern repop 18thc. charleville Carbine/Musketoon

The image says its accurate and documentable. (Belive that as far as you want to. Much like Gary, I'll belive it when I can match it to a period piece. ) ;)
Originally posted by renarts@Jul 8 2006, 05:47 PM

photo of modern repop 18thc. charleville Carbine/Musketoon

The image says its accurate and documentable. (Belive that as far as you want to. Much like Gary, I'll belive it when I can match it to a period piece. ) ;)
Military Heritage/Discriminating General offers some interesting Muskets/rifles. I believe these are made in India. Though they may bill them as accurate/authentic their reproduction weapons are little more than garbage. They are probably some of the cheapest reproduction weapons around, and it shows.

On this reproduction there are three glaring inaccuracies that stand out, the small (wrist) of the stock is too short. The second is the portion of the stock from the front of the lock to the barrel band is too short. The ramrod is way too long, it should only come out about 1/5 of the distance it does.

It might be best to contact Alan directly and ask. He and his wife have a great website showcasing their work.~Gary

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