Identity on PF


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 21, 2008
Chesterfield. Derbyshire. UK
As an ageing modeller (and everything else...LOL) I am often exasperated by the use of Avatars rather than real names. This is exacerbated by the requests from members often when visiting shows or foreign countries to meet up with fellow modellers. We even went to the lengths of having PF badges available for use at Euro.

So why do we hide our identity on forums when what we really like to do is make contact with our fellow modellers to discuss this wonderful but little known hobby.

Apart from the matter of mutual interest it is really helpful if you are buying or selling on the forum to know where the item is coming from or going to. I have also identified in the past some members who are within the locality of my local club and invited them to our monthly meetings.

My profile page clearly states my age (and I fully understand that some may not wish to disclose this) but also the town in which I live.

Do other members agree that being able to identify modellers in our vicinity or maybe where we are travelling to would be an advantage?

If so may I suggest that identifying your current domicile or at least country of residence on your profile might be helpful in engendering the spirit of the PF community and establishing new found friendships.

The Avatar came about when I first joined and I was asked for one-fortunately the previous day there was a quiz programme which featured a question about Gen Sherman and so "Tecumsea" was born.

I've always been under the impression that once entered it can't be changed-I'd be glad to put my full name with hindsight.

I have to say I was also confused by your original post Keith........"Tecumsea" and a dog pic doesn't really identify you terribly well.
But I do agree that the trend of late to exclude any personal info and not declare which part of the planet you inhabit is not a good thing.
I agree with Keith and Mark. (now there's a sentence I never thought I'd use ;)) I don't have any problem with the use of an avatar as long as it's not offensive and similarly with the member name you choose.
In my case I think that there might have been another Derek when I joined so I simply went for DEL although when I put name to posts it's always my given name.
The most useful thing would be as Keith says to add some accurate information in the profile section. I'm not certain but if you don't identify your country even your town it defaults to site you in the US.
I'm in two minds on this. I get why some people regard knowing other people's (and sharing their own) real names to be advantageous. In an ideal world it would be, and some forums do insist on real names. But on the other hand a lot of people are - for perfectly legitimate and understandable reasons - uncomfortable about sharing personal information (name, location, DoB/age etc.) on public forums that any old Tom Dick or Harry can sign up to. Personally I'm in the latter camp, you can't be too careful on the internet these days. I'd agree though that giving your country of residence as a bare minimum probably can't hurt.

I think most people on here use a nickname (your "avatar" is your little picture). You can request a name change on here if you really want to, but I think I'm right in saying that it has to be done at Admin level, i.e. you need to contact the member "pwadm" and ask him to do it. I'm pretty certain that I didn't have the necessary tools to do it when I was just a regular moderator (having said that, no-one ever requested it on my watch).

- Steve
Hi Keith My Avatar photo is my Granddad and the name Ellie is the company name. but on my profile it is me and I always sign off as ian but you are right it is difficult to meet people at a show if you don't know the real name.


My avatar is from the greatest man into the naval history of the Netherlands, Michiel de Ruyter.
Why: because he comes out of my part of the Netherlands, wich is only 12 km away from my home.
Before that I' am a big fan of Stevie Ray Vaughan, and on many forums that whas my avatar . But after ten years I like to change the avatar.
My real name is 61 years Marc v Megroot.
So everything is just as Keith want it :)

So, an 'avatar' is the picture !

I thought it was the name !

I've been 'insulted' when asking "old person" question's on some sight's !

I use my first name and initial. Picture's I change but mostly have cartoon
images! Simpson's etc. Just for the fun of it. Derrr, that somehow convey

The use of "silly names" really bug's me, especially when some hide behind that animosity
to be rude or cruel.

I'm not ashamed of what I write and I'm not ashamed to have my name 'up there' if not in full.

Yes, I get into 'hot water' occasionally for what I write BUT at least they KNOW who's written it not some 'changeable, keep my animosity secret so I can be obnocsus (!) and poke fun at those who can't spell etc. {Sorry tried a few way's but the spellchecker's baffled!}

I'm nearly 69, I'm definitely not PC and I tend to speak my mind {Michael D.} not bullfrog or some other pesdomem. Oh, to hell with it. I can spell word's that even computer's can't correct. Surely that's some form of accomplishment. L O L

bullfrog to be soon !
My Name is Jay, the BFG describes me. The picture (avatar) is just a joke on my acronym.

I use the same name on all forums and Facebook. So anyone, if they wish, can find me (or avoid me).

If you are going to make up a name, why use a different one on different sites (yes that's how you spell it) :)
My PF name is my own. As my interest is Russian/Soviet figures the obvious avatar for me was a Russian General, Stalin just happened to be the first one that showed up.
At shows I usually wear a polo shirt with either Red Tom on it or my regimental badge. My new one from an IPMS group has my full name on. I will be obtaining one of the new PF badges.
Perhaps I should have added to my original post that Avatars enable people to hide, maybe some of the unpleasantness that has been seen on here in the past and resulted in defections or expulsions might have been avoided if real names were used. A growing trend on all social media is bullying, unpleasant remarks etc, if real names were used maybe people would think twice about what they are posting.

I know that names like avatars can be made up but what would be the point on a hobby forum?

By the way the Dog came about because a few of us are Dog lovers and there was a bit of a competition to post pictures of our pets (it made a change from figures).

Perhaps I should have added to my original post that Avatars enable people to hide, maybe some of the unpleasantness that has been seen on here in the past and resulted in defections or expulsions might have been avoided if real names were used. A growing trend on all social media is bullying, unpleasant remarks etc, if real names were used maybe people would think twice about what they are posting.

I know that names like avatars can be made up but what would be the point on a hobby forum?

By the way the Dog came about because a few of us are Dog lovers and there was a bit of a competition to post pictures of our pets (it made a change from figures).


Only two people have been expelled from here Keith, both use there own names and full personal information and always dog pictures or names of generals.

But I agree there are many other members who have never used their own names or avatars....

NOTE : Posr edited by Nap
Before we get too bogged down in meaningless sniping about......Personality, Libido and how many dogs we have.., perhaps I can clarify my original objective which was (for the reasons stated) for members where they think it might be helpful to add at a minimum their country of domicile to their profile. Nothing more.

Thanks for the responses guys.

Well, my picture is a drawing of me, Walking Dead style. Or Bavaria style?

I think the use of nicks and avatar is to stand out and be remembered more easily. In my case theres also a language barrier. My first name is not that common in the west.

Janne Nilsson