WIP Critique Imperial Guard 200mm Bust CGS Military Figures


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A small update to this.

A bit more work on the flesh, beard and hair, redone the eyes and the plate on the bearskin has been done using some old Rose Miniatures "Antique Gold" metallic powder mixed with Vallejo gloss varnish as a medium and shaded by mixing in Vallejo Burnt Umber and Black. Thought I would experiment as I haven't used Rose Miniatures metallics since I was about 17 when the mixing medium they came with was just yacht varnish.

Opinions are welcome:)


Thanks for looking,

I like it, but for my taste the face is going to much to the darker tone's.
The plate is great, but I should highlight the higher parts a bit more. I like it when the plate pop's out.

A bit more progress on this today during my day off work :) . Bearskin and hands have been done. I may well give the bearskin a wash of Lamp Black oil paint to get a deeper black in the recesses. I have tried to give the hands a slightly hairy effect coming in from the wrists and the lower (little finger side) portion of the back of the hand as well as the finger just below the knuckle. Not sure if I'm happy with it yet but have spent a long time staring at the hands and face today and have gone blind to it.

Here's the pictures anyway.


Thanks for looking,

Hi Guys,

Been following this with interest as mine is on the way ...hopefully ...like the fleshtones ..a true hardened veteran .

Nice to see the effect that Jo Sonja colours can achieve

One question if I may: is he wearing the greatcoat as I can see only the buttons details ....just like to clarify this for my own peace of mind ..if not then the cuff detail should be like this

The bust looks to be a stunning piece of work , I particularly like the facial features and of course the flag ..all that wonderful details ..a dream for painting .

Thanks for sharing

Hi Guys ,

More info ..he is wearing the greatcoat hence no cuff details like I posted ..he also has a greatcoat on his pack ...Mmmmm think I might take mine off ..but there's nothing to say that he never "aquired another !!!

This is a quality piece for sure ..can't wait till the flag is started

Hi Alex,
Top notch mate and following this, brilliant.
Ref the pack and greatcoat. The pack looks strange without the roll so it was added, as correctly mentioned above, he is wearing the greatcoat as it is Waterloo.
Alex asked me my views on the roll on the pack so here is my take on it. Of course you have many options to personalise him for you as you wish.
Best wishes and thank you all for the interest and support on this piece

I saw it as he is wearing the greatcoat as mentioned, in the good traditions of soldiers on campaign, he would have utilised the space on top of his pack to carry anything else he could get his hands on. So really it is at the discretion of you and that is the direction I went in the instructions.
Bill Horan painted his striped but it looked slightly different as added a cover to the blanket