More WW2 Germans.
Here's one, as far as I remember, still not done as a bust: Volkssturm Jungers.
Not fiction, unfortunately true:
Photographs of young ones under ten do exist. I just can't imagine the torrent of electronic pulses a character such as this would cause on the web.
An interesting and colourful character 'Mad Jack Churchill' he did carry a broad sword into battle and also a bow, it is recorded he actually killed a German sentry with the bow during an operation, the only confirmed bow kill of the war I believe. I collected information on him a couple of years ago with the intention of doing a figure/bust of him but haven't got round to it.
Mad Jack is a heck of character to develop a figure! (Hello Tommy's War, this one is indeed for you
): A disembarking man in the middle of WWII chaos armed with medieval weapons! Here is an illustration somehow exaggerated (specially the Bagpipes) of the man:
But what a character he must had been:
Here's another missing fellow - Read this please Young
WWII Naval target coordinators and phone talkers wearing the gigantic M14 Helmet and its variants:
This helmet would inspire the head gear wore by the biggest villain in movie history - Darth Vader himself. Strangely I have to dig my collection until the very late 70's!!! to find the single kit I know of a figure wearing it.
And what a gem this miniature is - From the cradle of time, allow me to revival Series 77 US Navy Talker:
Now, time for a bust:
Come on Young! This one would be a killer in your range!