iOS 8 on iPad/iphone


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Yep, the iOS 8 update has sorted it out. Not sure what problem you are having with Puffin Kev. I cannot remember doing anything other than download and run. It does look a bit odd until you get used to how it works but I would update ios8 and carry on as normal :)
For iPad - settings/general/software update IOS 8.0.1


Hi Colin ,

Thanks I have gone to update its showing iPad latest version as 8.0 nothing about update being available .......HELP....this is doing my head in to smell resin!

Nap ..super Techno thickie

PS If I google IOS 8 update its showing that it has been pulled due to other issues ??
I just updated iPad but it will not let me update iphone so they may have dropped it again. Just see what's happening tomorrow. I know they should not have such obvious bugs in the initial update but they need to get it sorted and not be bullied by forums and groups pushing them. I hope they can step back, take a breath and get it sorted.

It is good fun for the anti Apple forums but very few major software updates work straight away. One of the reasons I gave up on Microsoft was the constant updates being shipped.
Issues were with no network service and touch ID problems that seemed to effect the iPhone 6 and 6 plus. I had no problem with my iPhone 5s except when the phone rebooted the screen was mega magnified and I could not enter my unlock digits. It took several attempts to reduce the screen. now no problems.
To put this in context, you have to realise that if Apple produced a perfect piece of tech with no glitches at all they would be able to walk on water. Bending phones are not new, as they get thinner (not a good idea) any device like this will bend and there have been reports of none Apple phones doing this but, they are not Apple so nobody cares.

Prior to my first iphone quite recently, although I have used an iMac for some years and an iPad for nearly two years prior to which I had a Samsung Galaxy Tab. I have mainly had Samsung phones and they have been full of bugs, quirks and faults but I wouldn't expect anything else. No company to date has brought out a device or operating system that came without faults. Microsoft, the God of all Apple haters, has yet to develop an operating system that works but no one bemoans this as much as when Apple has faults.

Nothing is perfect, you cannot buy perfect so make your choice and let everyone else do the same. Apple are no better or worse than anyone else but they are, and will be for some time, my manufacturer of choice. Not because they are cool or fashionable or that I am a 'fanboy'. I chose them because they do what I want from them very well indeed. Sadly, Apple will always hit the headlines when something that happens to every other manufacturer makes is reported so negatively.
Well said Graham, I totally agree with you. I have an iPhone, an iPad, a mac mini computer, my wifi is apple and I have an apple tv setup. Everything connects in my house for a complete entertainment and connectivity set up. I tried android and it just did not cut it for me. The internet sniping for me is totally farcical and simple marketing tactics by the big boys. Any company that can sell 10 million plus handsets on its first weekend must be doing something right. Compare that with the once great Blackberry who announced 200,000 pre orders worldwide for its latest offering.
Whilst we are putting things in 'context'......let me state for the record.....I own an iMac.....iPad.....iPhone...and a Mac Book Pro......previous to these I favoured Nokia as my phone of choice....and built 'custom' PC's for myself and others.
I am not an Apple hater/knocker......however.....any company that see 23 BILLION knocked off their share value in a single definitely doing something wrong!!
The main reason Apple get such bad because they charge far too much for their products....and the built in obsolescence period is shorter and more constricting than that of other manufacturers......
Certainly.....I would not have spent so much on Apple products....if I was going to knock them for the sake of stop treating me like an Apple hater/knocker.......and accept that they are not infallible.
Kagemusha, my apologies if I offended you with my post, it was not aimed at you but at the general social media idiots that jump on the bandwagon, not for anything you said on here. I agree with you Apple make mistakes and deserve the resulting criticism. I actually don't agree with you regarding built in obsolescence nor do I actually consider they make any more profit than other manufacturers. We are both entitled to our opinion on that and is not sufficient cause to fall out. Once again, sorry if you thought I was having a go at you.
Kagemusha, I am sorry but I cannot see anything that said you were an 'Apple knocker'. Apologies if that is how you interpreted what has been said but it was in no way implied. you felt the need to put into context....the content of the article I posted the link too....when the context was already clearly stated and admitted by Apple themselves...

As Ken rightly said....we are all entitled to our opinions....and perception is an individual trait.

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