To put this in context, you have to realise that if Apple produced a perfect piece of tech with no glitches at all they would be able to walk on water. Bending phones are not new, as they get thinner (not a good idea) any device like this will bend and there have been reports of none Apple phones doing this but, they are not Apple so nobody cares.
Prior to my first iphone quite recently, although I have used an iMac for some years and an iPad for nearly two years prior to which I had a Samsung Galaxy Tab. I have mainly had Samsung phones and they have been full of bugs, quirks and faults but I wouldn't expect anything else. No company to date has brought out a device or operating system that came without faults. Microsoft, the God of all Apple haters, has yet to develop an operating system that works but no one bemoans this as much as when Apple has faults.
Nothing is perfect, you cannot buy perfect so make your choice and let everyone else do the same. Apple are no better or worse than anyone else but they are, and will be for some time, my manufacturer of choice. Not because they are cool or fashionable or that I am a 'fanboy'. I chose them because they do what I want from them very well indeed. Sadly, Apple will always hit the headlines when something that happens to every other manufacturer makes is reported so negatively.