Much better Zeno!
I agree with John and the Pedros... Maybe just touch the tops of the wrinkles to bring them out. You might want to bring up the skirts a bit too... right now the skirts are much darker than the rest of the jacket.
This is a hard blue to get a handle on, but once you do, I find it one of the easiest colours to work... could be because I use a variation of it on at least 90% of my figs. Definitely the most used colour in the 19th century

If you look to my Zouve and French infantryman 1870, that's pretty close to what you're looking for...
Base- Dark Prussian Blue + Black
Highlight 1- Base + DPB + Sky Grey + a touch of English Uniform
Highlight 2- HL1 + DPB + Sky Grey
Highlight 3- HL2 + Sky Grey
Shadow- Base + Black + a touch of English Uniform
Shadow 2- S1 + Black
Deep Shadow (edging, around equipment, buttons etc)- Black wash
It might be too late for this, but there's always next time
Carry on