Ivan Kozhedub MMM 1/10 bust


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2012
Barnstaple Devon
Hello everyone, I am James from Devon, I met Nap and a few of the Planet Figure folks at the Bugle Call show in Nailsea and they encouraged me to join up, share my work and get some tips and techniques.
a little background, I have been modelling on and off for a number of years, as a kid and a slap dash teen with no real care for my work. I have been back in the hobby for about 2 years seriously, building on my previous skills ( mainly trying to tidy them) I like to build a wide range of subjects, Tanks, Planes, Figures ( mainly 1.35 so far..) and a little bit of historical miniatures. I am here to learn and improve my skillset and help others if they need it but looking at the standard of work here it is I who will be learning. anyway, I waffle on..

This is my first bust, Mitches military models 1/10 Ivan Kozhedub, bought for me as a gift to encourage my figure work. Painted entirely in Vallejo and Tamiya (black) using a blending medium from K colours. I used a range of pro arte sables, all in 2/0. I hope you enjoy, and I am open to feedback, I want to improve!
anyway, pics..

VERY nice James and I have this same bust in the G.A.

You have done a cracking paint job on an already excellent piece.

Very nice work considering that this is your first bust. I can imagine my mate Nap coming over and examining those medals. He just loves medals. Keep practising and keep going the way youre already going, as its good work.
Folks thankyou and sorry for the late reply. I have some new figures to do . A dwarf and Viking from mdc?? And a viking from darkstar. I will make sure to do progress blogs for these and pick up some new techniques and get loads of feedback ! Thankyou all for the kind words and I will see you in the wip forum J
Glad you took the advice to join and great to see this bust again, I must say though this looks even better in the flesh. I look forward to more of your work.
Keep em coming and welcome aboard the magic bus.
Hi James

Hope you have recovered fom meeting me at BC

Great to see this up close .....a popular bust and this is one of the best versions I have seen from the leather , goggles , parachute harness and of course those medals ( first thing I looked at Jazz !!)

Kerp painting looking forward to seeing what comes from your bench

Welcome to PF James.
Very nice work. I certainly wouldn't have thought this was a first attempt at a bust.
Look forward to seeing more of your work.
