A Fixture
Here is my latest work. It is the Jeff Shiu 200MM offering of the MG34 gunner. I'll probably nameplate this one as "Stalingrad MG34 Gunner" as he looks the part. Great sculpt in all areas I just did not like the method of assembling the right arm and the gun. Since the gun is cast in his right arm it has to be attached while your painting his uniform because of the way it attaches. It kinda attaches like it is a severed limb (those of you who have this figure know what I mean as I really can't explain it better than that) so you have to finish off the greatcoat with the MG attached which causes other problems and I just don't like painting like that. Other than that one dislike I really enjoyed him. A really nice figure to dirty up and make look really combat hardened. Groundwork was part of a resin wall I had left over from a previous kit and the bricks and other pieces or groundwork were carved from balsa foam. he is as always painted in Vallejo Acrylics, Citadel metallics and Windsor and Newton series 7 sable brushes.