Karl XII of Sweden


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Another photo showing the additional hair added to Karl's noggin.


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No Comments, just speachless.

You asked some time ago what happens with muscles when man died.
Well. After some time they dried out and starting to schrink. This is happens when there is no food for the muscles, also they didn't worked they have a atrophia. So that is the fact.
Just like dead meat ( i believe in parts of the USA they let meat dry and eat it). Whell that's what a mentioned.

Franceseca, Thanks. Basically after baking I go over mainly the areas with tool marks or rough texture with fine steel wool and sometimes fine sandpaper.~Gary
Originally posted by garyjd@Jan 27 2005, 03:39 PM
Franceseca, Thanks. Basically after baking I go over mainly the areas with tool marks or rough texture with fine steel wool and sometimes fine sandpaper.~Gary
That's all? You're not using a solvent of any kind prior to baking? Wow.
Originally posted by fsdesimone@Jan 28 2005, 12:08 AM
That's all? You're not using a solvent of any kind prior to baking? Wow.
Francesca, Years ago I would use Grumtine or one of the other solvents for oil paint to smooth out my sculpey. You had to be very careful because a build-up of liquid would turn the sculpey to mush. I try to leave as few marks as possible and follow up with the steel wool. Scotchbrite works too, but it also can leave marks if you're too heavy handed with it.~Gary
Gary - that's about the cleanest sculpey piece I've ever seen....and about the best too in terms of character and realistic visage. He looks like a real guy and he could be a lifesized sculpture from the photos....a definite raise of the bar by you.... Hat's off, Colin
I have to agree with Colin. You have raised the bar (again) and outdid what I thought before, was your best. I may not post after every photo you post......but believe me, I follow your threads with relish each day and have learned so much. Now I just need to open the new box of Super Sculpey that SAnta brought and knead away.
Colin, Wow! Thanks, that has to be about the highest compliment once could hope to recieve. I always try, although it does not work out that way, to do the best I possibly can.

Guy, Thanks. No problem on not commenting after every picture post, there really is no need. I'm satisfied just seeing that folks took the time to even look, let alone post a reply. This site continues to help me develope as sculptor, and I enjoy making what is a small contribution to the BEST miniature site on the net. One more thing Guy, break out that box of sculpey and get busy. :) ~Gary
Here is most of the other half of the waistcoat roughed in. I have to add the rest and clean it up befor moving on to the coat.


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