Dan Morton
A Fixture
OK - you might well ask - "Why review a kit that is (probably?) out of production?" And I answer - "Just because it's so darned beautiful!"
I'm very uncertain about the manufacturer - Fort Royal Review. Some web pages imply that they are out of business. Robert Hardwick, now with Imperial Gallery, was apparently part of the firm. They were based in Worcester ["Wooster"] in England. Neither the sculptor nor the painter are identified, but I assume the painter was Mr. Hardwick. Maybe someone else can clear this up.
This is their FRR/16 150mm (I'm guessing) US Cavalry Officer 1876 kit. According to the package, it was offered by The Red Lancers for $59.95 new. It was listed on e-Bay and I scarfed it up for a lot less than that.
As you can see, it's an officer in a (ahem - non-regulation but very fetching) buckskin jacket, panel front Cavalry shirt, trousers with yellow stripe and riding boots. You're supposed to finish the hanging buckskin fringe on the jacket using either cardstock or the lead foil provided. Haven't finished my research yet, but I believe he's armed with a Sharps rifle and a Colt 0.45 caliber revolver. The detail is really incredible and not just because of the size of the figure. The sculpting is great. Look at that squinty-eyed weathered face with its Van Dyke and long sideburns!
The casting is also very good, but there is a LOT of flash to remove. Lots of cut and sand, cut and sand before you can assemble or prime. No instructions or painting directions, but there are good quality front and back color photos provided.
If this one doesn't make you start reviewing e-Bay regularly, I'll eat my buckskin, fringe and all. The e-Bay URL for soldier figures is http://toys.listings.ebay.com/Military_Sol...ListingItemList
I'm very uncertain about the manufacturer - Fort Royal Review. Some web pages imply that they are out of business. Robert Hardwick, now with Imperial Gallery, was apparently part of the firm. They were based in Worcester ["Wooster"] in England. Neither the sculptor nor the painter are identified, but I assume the painter was Mr. Hardwick. Maybe someone else can clear this up.
This is their FRR/16 150mm (I'm guessing) US Cavalry Officer 1876 kit. According to the package, it was offered by The Red Lancers for $59.95 new. It was listed on e-Bay and I scarfed it up for a lot less than that.
As you can see, it's an officer in a (ahem - non-regulation but very fetching) buckskin jacket, panel front Cavalry shirt, trousers with yellow stripe and riding boots. You're supposed to finish the hanging buckskin fringe on the jacket using either cardstock or the lead foil provided. Haven't finished my research yet, but I believe he's armed with a Sharps rifle and a Colt 0.45 caliber revolver. The detail is really incredible and not just because of the size of the figure. The sculpting is great. Look at that squinty-eyed weathered face with its Van Dyke and long sideburns!
The casting is also very good, but there is a LOT of flash to remove. Lots of cut and sand, cut and sand before you can assemble or prime. No instructions or painting directions, but there are good quality front and back color photos provided.
If this one doesn't make you start reviewing e-Bay regularly, I'll eat my buckskin, fringe and all. The e-Bay URL for soldier figures is http://toys.listings.ebay.com/Military_Sol...ListingItemList