Though It's been done for a while I just now got around to take some pictures. Here is the finished knight, painted with Vallejo's and Reaper acrylics.
Those reds look like silk- fabulous contrasts. The face is a little too Red for me but that may be the camera reflecting the garment. Great piece nevertheless.
Not that there is a short supply of painting in red. But the variation of red as depicted here is quite impressive. It looks effortless, but so right on!
This looks just like the main character from the film Arn Knight Templer , a Swedish knight , is this a coincidence ? . If you have not yet seen the film I highly recommend it .
The figure is a one off, pictures of the sculpt can be seen Here.
I was inspired to do another knight after painting the Elite Norman knight by Latorre. Initially it was supposed to be a 54mm mounted figure...but turned into a 75mm single figure.
I have indeed seen the Arn movies, both the Swedish versions and the US version. It's a great film, with some real eye candy. Unfortunately the US version is about 2 hours shorter then then original but good none the less.