Guys im really gratefull to each of you for the awesome feadback !! im amazed as all your work inspires me so thankyou its a real mojo booster

@ Pedro,Hi mate thanks for bringing that to light !!

how did I miss that ?! I had the idea and ran with it ... kinda thought they were used throughout

but checking the reference the Panzerfaust I have depicted is a model 60 1944 Manufacture date,the model 30 looks similar but has a different trigger mechanism and a smaller range/site for 30 meters and not 60 meter range.The two look slightly different,allthough the Model 30 was produced in 1943 so still to late for the battles of Kharkov ?! the very early models made in 1942 looked nothing like the model 30 and 60 ... thanks alot for ponting that out buddy.
@ Dan C,Thanks for your comments also my friend

.. I thought about changing the name as you suggested but the 251 half track is in panzer grey and the battle for Cherkassy was in 1944 so the 251 would of been re-painted in dark yellow underneathe the winter whitewash camo.Mmmm... what to do ?! If only I posted the images before it was finnished
Do you guys think I should just leave it as is or does it really detract the piece ? id like it to be of a Kharkov theme its just the P/faust is wrong ... but then the 251 would also be wrong for a later battle of 1944.
Very gratefull for all the comments and heads up on my BOO BOO