Here's a pic of my latest completed figure. It's a Fusilier Figure depicting a Corporal of 4/Northants in Gallipoli 1915.
I've fiddled about with the brightness as suggested by Guy so hopefully it will look ok.
The picture is much better than your previous ones Roger......keep playing with it each time you take pics and you will get the hang of it. I like the figure and the presentation you have done with it. Did the kit come like this?
Yes, the figure came like this. Only the painting and groundwork are my doing.
It's not too good a picture I know
Anyone live in North Yorkshire with a Digital camera? :lol:
Another nicely painted figure. Hey, have you tried Steve Warrilow's Belgians ? Lovely figures aren't they ? I hope the fuselier comes to Euro mil this year, I'd love to buy some of his plains cavalry and indians.
Thanks Johan.
I haven't painted any Fusilier Belgians yet. It takes me an incredible amount of time choosing which figures to purchase next from The Fusilier. So far I've only painted British subjects & one Aussie.
The Northants figure above was chosen by my wife because I just couldn't make up my mind!
In fact she also chose my next project, this RFC pair.