I have just bought the Le Cimier 180mm Hussar. A great kit in essence although on opening the box and examining the kit I'm slightly disappointed. (especially as it was £48.50!!). I was drawn to this figure by the box artwork (two assembeld and painted hussars), which depict the 7th and 13th Regiments. I really liked the colour scheme of the Hussar in green dolman and pelisse and red overalls and so bought this kit to depict this Hussar.
The kit has a double sided colour plate showing all 13 Hussar Regiments, however as with all Hussar regiments there were slight variations, however and this is wher the disappointment comes in from the kit your are unable to realise any of these regiments, due to the following:-
1. The shako on 11 of the 13 regiments has capline and flounders, which are not supplied in the kit.
2. The front of the shako i.e. capbadge, varies from regiment to regiment, the kit has a standard one.
3. The sabretache has nine different styles, the kit only supplies one, with the Imperial Eagle on it.
4. The instructions are in French only??
5. There are three different styles of loopy lacing on the front of the overalls, in the kit they have moulded just one style.
I apprecaite that any company has to tool up their moulds to make them as commercially viable as possible, but surely it would have been better to have left this style changes off the mould and allow the modeller to add what he wants. Although in my case I feel that I do not have the required skills to add this type of detailing yet and therfore wouldn't have purchased the kit in the first place.
It's a great shame as I really love the the look of this kit but, don't we all want to realise our models as authentically as we can? I know I certainly do.
Tell me if you think I'm being too picky, perhaps I've been spoilt as of the 7 figures I've done since getting into "the dark side" of modelling have been either David Grieve, Bonaparte, Andrea Miniatures and El Viejo Dragon, all of which seemed to be highly accurate.
Thanks so about the length of this posting, but I don't have anywhere else to vent my frustration and seek solace from people who understand exactly what I'm complaining about.
The kit has a double sided colour plate showing all 13 Hussar Regiments, however as with all Hussar regiments there were slight variations, however and this is wher the disappointment comes in from the kit your are unable to realise any of these regiments, due to the following:-
1. The shako on 11 of the 13 regiments has capline and flounders, which are not supplied in the kit.
2. The front of the shako i.e. capbadge, varies from regiment to regiment, the kit has a standard one.
3. The sabretache has nine different styles, the kit only supplies one, with the Imperial Eagle on it.
4. The instructions are in French only??
5. There are three different styles of loopy lacing on the front of the overalls, in the kit they have moulded just one style.
I apprecaite that any company has to tool up their moulds to make them as commercially viable as possible, but surely it would have been better to have left this style changes off the mould and allow the modeller to add what he wants. Although in my case I feel that I do not have the required skills to add this type of detailing yet and therfore wouldn't have purchased the kit in the first place.
It's a great shame as I really love the the look of this kit but, don't we all want to realise our models as authentically as we can? I know I certainly do.
Tell me if you think I'm being too picky, perhaps I've been spoilt as of the 7 figures I've done since getting into "the dark side" of modelling have been either David Grieve, Bonaparte, Andrea Miniatures and El Viejo Dragon, all of which seemed to be highly accurate.
Thanks so about the length of this posting, but I don't have anywhere else to vent my frustration and seek solace from people who understand exactly what I'm complaining about.