A Fixture
Following on from an earlier post here are some additional photos and a description of how I did the armour. Photos as ever pretty duff but I hope they illustrate what I tried.

What I tried here was to mess around with the armour. Thinking about how a legionary on campaign would have reduced rusting on his armour I reckoned (probably wrongly) that a logical way would be to 'polish' it with sand or grit perhaps suspended in oil.
After priming I gave all the metalwork three thin coats of Revell Anthracite. The advantage of this particular enamel is that you can to some extent buff it up. I then coated the parts with old dried up Humbrol metalcote ground to a fine powder and rubbed well into the Anthracite. It was then a case of hundreds and hundreds of lines drawn with ordinary graphite pencils.
Actually I'm pretty pleased with the end result and will use the technique again.

I also gave him a black eye

What I tried here was to mess around with the armour. Thinking about how a legionary on campaign would have reduced rusting on his armour I reckoned (probably wrongly) that a logical way would be to 'polish' it with sand or grit perhaps suspended in oil.
After priming I gave all the metalwork three thin coats of Revell Anthracite. The advantage of this particular enamel is that you can to some extent buff it up. I then coated the parts with old dried up Humbrol metalcote ground to a fine powder and rubbed well into the Anthracite. It was then a case of hundreds and hundreds of lines drawn with ordinary graphite pencils.

Actually I'm pretty pleased with the end result and will use the technique again.

I also gave him a black eye