Completed Legionnaire


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Thank you very much gentlemen, slow but steady progress. Taking a more measured approach than I've got into the habit of, so hopefully things are getting better. Just a quick intrusion from another project, another two sessions on the face of the 66th officer, lots better than some of the ones in my gallery I think.


Let me know if I'm deluding myself.

Cheers Simon
Mike, cheers for that, I've been letting too many bad habits and laziness creep in for a few months which is never a good thing.
Agree there , I would define the moustache more

It's looking good so far ...if I may possibly smooth out the creases on sleeves a little

Thanks for updates

Happy benchtime


Nap cheers, the creases maybe I was trying to go for rumpled cotton that has been worn day in day out on campaign. The tash does need work and maybe more highlights from the hot Afghan sun, will see how it pans out.

Cheers Simon
I am not really one to offer criticism on 54mms, I am really struggling to get decent results on this scale myself at the moment.
Colourwise the face looks good but the eyes are much too big. If you open your image to fullest size you can see the iris laps over the eyelids. Re-lining the upper and lower will fix it.
I am not really one to offer criticism on 54mms, I am really struggling to get decent results on this scale myself at the moment.
Colourwise the face looks good but the eyes are much too big. If you open your image to fullest size you can see the iris laps over the eyelids. Re-lining the upper and lower will fix it.

Rob, many thanks for that, just the sort of advice I need, gonna be experiencing a bomb burst of Granddaughter very soon so I'll set about fixing it later.

Cheers Simon
Tough couple of days with very little bench time so very little progress, I added some straps to the Legionnaire including the haversack strap that wasn't in the original artwork.


Also did some work on the Offr of the 66th, hopefully correcting the eye that Rob picked up for me.


Not going to get much more done this weekend as I'll be rocking out at the Stonedead Festival in Newark, still there's a bank holiday coming up to catch up on.

Cheers Simon
Mario, thank you for that, my next task will be to add his backpack and rolled greatcoat. Never done that before so I hope I can pull it off convincingly.

Cheers Simon
The 66th officer is greatly improved, does not look like a Manga character now.

Enjoy StoneDead
The 66th officer is greatly improved, does not look like a Manga character now.

Enjoy StoneDead

Love it, Manga character, don't want to go there, that's a whole different genre on it's own. The figure is close to complete now but as I promised an article for the BMSS it will have to be published there before I can show it off on here. Many thanks again for the help with this, often it is the most glaring mistake that I completely over look.

Cheers Simon
Haven't done ought today apart from drink ab nd some other stuff, was preoccupied at Stonedead but did get a couple of piccies.

The fly over


The stage


Good day all told hopefullyback at the bench tomorrow.

Cheers Simon
Hi Simon

Some small but nice updates , look forward to seeing that article in the illustrious BMSS publication

That's a good pic of the aircraft ...but boy those clouds looked menacing!

Hope you enjoyed the festival

Look forward to your return to the bench

Have FUN @ the bench

Cheers Kev, yeah the Lancaster flew over three times and the rain stopped and started until well into the afternoon so not too bad

Cheers Simon
Back at the bench, I have added some minor details, brass studs on his webbing shoulder straps, a flap and fastening stud on his ammo pouch. At the back he now has a backpack and rolled blanket/greatcoat, his bayonet adapted from an ICM kit part and the mess tin attached to the blanket. Still have a few retaining straps to add when the Magicsculpt is set. Then a good scrutiny to ensure I haven't missed any glaring errors or omissions, followed by undercoated and finally getting the brushes out.



Also note the rifle, again borrowed permanently the the ICM kit. It has been extended in length, a simple cut through the butt and stock, pin the parts back together leaving a gap, fill the gaps, in this case super glue and bicarbonate of soda and file. The sling is simply post it note and the sling swivels are fine wire formed on the arm of a pair of tweezers twisting the loose ends with pliers so it firms a nice tight loop. A very fine hole is drilled into the appropriate part of the rifle and the nipped of twisted end of the wire is superglue into place leaving an acceptable sling swivel.


Cheers Simon
He is looking great, I still really like the character you have in his face.

Do you enjoy painting your own sculpts or are you always finding faults?
Rob, we'll see how the face shapes up when I paint it, it's a Hornet head I just added the goatee. As for painting my own sculpts, yes some I enjoy more than others I can get bored with a subject and rush it so I can start something else. I have picked up a lot of bad habits since starting these sculpts/conversions so the freedom choosing my own subjects has given me is a two edged sword. I will be more disciplined going forward and probably get more out of it satisfaction wise. Still each one is a learning curve both sculpting and painting, trouble is I don't always retain the lesson!

Cheers Simon

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