Light and Heavy horse tackle


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Sep 1, 2007
Can anyone recommend a few good sources on Napoleonic horse tackle and the differences between light cavalry and heavy cavalry practices, and the reasons why besides “flashiness”? I have a ton of pictures by well respected artists and reenactors. And there are noticeable differences in the same type of soldier between artists. I am also interested English practices. I don’t think I’m a rivet counter, but I’ve a heard a term, “a reasonable practical certainty”, which I think is legal speak. l probably have it completely wrong in meaning and wording, but I like the way it sounds. Naturally I’ve tried multiple equestrian sites too. Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi there Kurt

These might help but drop a message to Ivo Preda here ...a expert Napoleonic modeller and very helpful


hi Kurt

I don't understand completely the question... do you want information about horse harness and the difference between light and heavy cavalry?

That is exactly my question. The difference why heavy and light harness occurs and how. My personal riding experience, has always been with American “Western” saddle, which with everything else was put on the horse by someone else for me. I’m a suburban boy, not a country boy. In looking at many illustrations it appears to me ( in total ignorance ) that the light cavalry has a lot more leather there, which to the uneducable (myself) seems unnecessary and accompanies the ostentatious uniforms, possibly unintentionally. The heavies seem to be no nonsense “lets get the job done and go home” types. This is my own opinion, not based on any facts. So I’m looking for facts. Say martingales, why on some and not on others? I know there are some differences with English preferences and I’m sure its not to be different just to be different.
Really what I’m trying to achieve is a basically proper setup, not one where a real equestrian would laugh an say no one would ever do it that way because it makes no sense at all! I also like to know why something, anything is the way it is and what it's actual purpose is or was for.

Ivo, I have been stalking you as much as I can. I keep looking for your figures, there’s so much to learn studying them. Keep up the marvelous work.

Best regards,


Thank you, it’s very helpful and gives me some information to build on!


Your illustration helped. I was able to find about 6 more similar ones. Now I have to figure out why you would use some items. I always feel everything is on the internet some where, you just have to find the magic combination of words to ask the correct way.
a sequence for a light cavalry harness...

Krettly 05.JPGKrettly 06.JPG

2 filetto.JPGKrettly 07.JPG

Krettly 09.JPGKrettly 10.JPG

a light cavalry harness for officer... the same as for the troops except some more buckle to decorate the leather
5° Huss Schwartz 042.JPG 5° Huss Schwartz 041.JPG

and finally a variant for heavy cavalry officer in this case

Davout 027.JPG Davout 028.JPG

and for a trooper

Waterloo 69 UK  (44).jpg Waterloo 69 UK  (48).jpg Waterloo 69 UK  (47).jpg

hope that can be useful,
Yes it is! Anything by you is a help (actually a gift). I could never just slap together a figure as it was intended, I have to “fix” things first. Seeing your pictures reminds me I really have to work on my green stuff skills. I’ve always done my best with plumbers epoxy, which sure has it’s limitations from a modeling point of view. I’m am most in awe of those that have mastered the art of sculpting such beautiful and lifelike faces. To me they’re like gods ( there is absolutely no sacrilegious intent meant!).

Thank you,

Yes it is! Anything by you is a help (actually a gift). I could never just slap together a figure as it was intended, I have to “fix” things first. Seeing your pictures reminds me I really have to work on my green stuff skills. I’ve always done my best with plumbers epoxy, which sure has it’s limitations from a modeling point of view. I’m am most in awe of those that have mastered the art of sculpting such beautiful and lifelike faces. To me they’re like gods ( there is absolutely no sacrilegious intent meant!).

Thank you,



I didn't sculpt anything in the above subjects... my intention was shows sequence assembly for horse harness... some lead strip and some buckles is enough... and some patience of course;)
Spending a long time ship modeling, lead was considered a no go. The concern was the lead decomposing and forming a whitish “bloom” on its surface. I have been wondering is the “lead strips” like those Metal Modeles supplies pure lead or an alloy. Have you had any problems with it? It does take some time to occur, how long I don’t know. It could be a moot point for any of us that might have passed on before it happens.

i understand your point but I always used this kind of material and never had problems. the Metal Modeles lead works well.

Lead has became a definition... we always use an alloy
A lot of variations on the theme but these may be useful as far as the French are concerned (misc sources: colour ones from various Histoire & Collection volumes) .

Light cavalry Hungarian saddles & harness: as you say, more bling:

Heavy, plainer more robust with French saddles:

... and a couple of extras:

... and since come across this:

Thank you sir, That is a lot of great information! Hopefully at some point I can return the favor.

Thought I'd complete my offering with draught harness and the special Chasseur leather covered saddle (I saw photos of a genuine one somewhere but now can't locate them).

These all come from Rouselot here (there are many more).
Saddle05b-draught harness.JPG
Saddle05-draught harness.JPG
Saddle16b-draught rider.JPG
Saddle16-draught rider.JPG

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