Looking for a Highlander


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Oct 7, 2003
Portage, Ind
Hello all,

Does anyone know which company produces a 54mm Napoleonic Black Watch Highlander posed to create mayhem , for instance, running, shooting, bayonetting, clubbing, or any similar unpleasantry? Durendal made a nice one of a charging Scotsman, which I already have, & Andrea(?) has a vignette or 2 with Highlanders in action poses but price is a concern for me. I had an idea for what might be an interesting little battle scene & 1 more Scotsman would complete it. I already have a couple of French infantrymen but would like to even the odds a bit.



As for the Andrea figs, the main problem is that Andrea do not sell spare parts or separate figures from a vignette, outside these they choose to list as such. I know because I have tried and asked them. No doubt this is for their own reasons, not for any manufacturing limitation, but this is the way it is.

It is always delicate to mix figures from different manufacturers (or from different sculptors, even from a single firm), because not only sizes can be vastly different, no matter they are sold under the same "54mm" (or any other) label; different proportions, and different sculpting styles can make such an endeavour unfeasible - it usually does not look right.


Thanks for the advice. Different interpretations of 54mm was something that concerned me. I haven't yet assembled my El Viejo Dragon French infantryman or Durendal Scotsman, but roughly dryfitting them out of the box, they seem compatible. I'll probably have to stop being so tightfisted <_< , break down & spend the $$'s for one of the vignettes sometime down the road. Thanks again,


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