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Hello all,
Does anyone know which company produces a 54mm Napoleonic Black Watch Highlander posed to create mayhem , for instance, running, shooting, bayonetting, clubbing, or any similar unpleasantry? Durendal made a nice one of a charging Scotsman, which I already have, & Andrea(?) has a vignette or 2 with Highlanders in action poses but price is a concern for me. I had an idea for what might be an interesting little battle scene & 1 more Scotsman would complete it. I already have a couple of French infantrymen but would like to even the odds a bit.
Does anyone know which company produces a 54mm Napoleonic Black Watch Highlander posed to create mayhem , for instance, running, shooting, bayonetting, clubbing, or any similar unpleasantry? Durendal made a nice one of a charging Scotsman, which I already have, & Andrea(?) has a vignette or 2 with Highlanders in action poses but price is a concern for me. I had an idea for what might be an interesting little battle scene & 1 more Scotsman would complete it. I already have a couple of French infantrymen but would like to even the odds a bit.