Anyone who knows / knew / avoids or points at and laughs at our wee Scots group will have seen Ross.
He was a serial attender at Euro up until 2 years ago when his health began to make the journey a bit more of a challenge.
He was great company, witty and a very knowledgeable and passionate contributor to our often 'freestyle' conversations.
Where the rest of us usually just grabbed anything to wear that was 'cleanish' out of the laundry basket as we headed off to Folkestone, Ross was always immaculately tricked out, favouring the 'white hunter' look of Rohan products from top to toe.......he would wear jackets that cost more than my car

Much classier than the rest of us he enjoyed his creature comforts and again favoured the en-suite luxury of the Clifton. Seriously though although he never laboured it, his health presented challenges that would have 'floored' most of us and was fully engaged in the battle right up to the end.
Like the others I will miss the man.
Ross and I often discussed some of the more amusing threads on the planet, this was one of our favourites......have a look and a wee smile, we did.