you do also always a very nice job on the figures, they look always special mate,love them
Nice work Simon
that is looking beautiful,also very little things too paint ,and absolute you do your best![]()
Good progress here, another intriguing subject that's going to look really good when done.
Hi Simon
You've done a lot on this and he's looking good , medals work well so all credit to you
Sleeve knots look better ...if possible define them more ? ....I realise the scale
Looking forward to seeing more on this
Happy benchtime
He's coming on great Simon. Even Mr Cartacci uses metallics as a base then knocks them back with, in his case, non metallic oils for his braids, chevrons and epaulettes, so you are in good company there.
Many thanks, I took the desicion to stop doing NMM a year or so ago, I used it mainly on gaming mini's. I don't like the look of straight metallics so I treat them as just another colour. It looks OK and takes less than half the time. I suppose over painting with oils would be a good idea, I'd just have to find oils again.
Cheers Simon
Nice job on those Austrian knots Simon
That sure is some nice (fast) painting.