Hi Brock,
I've got a flyer sitting right in front of me for the show. If you can make it then by all means GO! It's great. Last couple of years around 900 figures and models on the tables and a vendor area that has to be seen to be believed.
It would take me forever to type up the flyer for you so if you want send me your address and I'll mail a copy to you.
For now a short list of the info...
When: May 6 & 7
Where: Valley Forge Convention Center
1200 First Avenue
King of Prussia (Valley Forge/Philadelphia), PA
Cost: (good for both days) $10 General Admission, $15 to enter figures or models
Catagories: Not exactly. Levels instead. Junior, Standard and Advanced (Painters and Open)
Judging: Open judging (gold, silver and bronze instead of 1st, 2nd & 3rd). Just like AMPS
Hope to se you there,