Little more I can add other than there won't be any competition in Wellington for you!
This is a sitter for BOS again and I so look forward to seeing your creation in the flesh.
Congrats mate you've captured the dignity of the chief superbly.
Hello Guys,many thanks for all the great comments on my sculpt.I am glad you like him.Yes he is a one off.Hope to get some more done on his Kaitaka(Cloak),this weekend .I will post more pictures then.
You've created and painted an outstanding piece John!!! Bravo!!!!
I've sneaked to your blog and the pencil drawing is just as amazing!!! Bravo again!!!!
This is a very unique and well executed piece and yes I have to agree with Tony mate that it is one of the best I have seen, congratulations on a well sculpted project.
This is truly fantastic mate. You have captured the likeness superbly, but what is even better you have caught the essence of the piece, which is far more tricky to achieve.