Marius's mule


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Cooking equipment consisted of a bronze pot with a loop handle, a smaller pot with a straight handle, a grill ( it is unclear whether this was shared or carried by every soldier) and the quern mentioned above.
The picture here also includes a water canteen, an iron oil lamp and some hard tack rations (buccellatum).

In addition to the equipment carried individually, every eight men had the use of a mule to carry a tent, a rotary quern for milling grain, some of the heavier tools and I suspect anything else the men could secretly offload upon it without causing it's collapse.


We are fortunate when studying the Roman army that they kept excellent records and many contemporary Roman writers took great pride in their army and produced useful accounts of their training and equipment.

Friends, Romans and countrymen lend me your ear.

Hey Guys I finally got around to painting the arms and legs, it is now drying in the oven, the arms and legs still need more highlights and shadows.
I also weathered the helmet, to give it a battle fatigue look.

Your advice and critique is important and helpful to me.







Roc. :)

Looks pretty darn good! Like the texture on the helmet!

Done with the tiles now? :)

Hey Keith, thanks a bunch, I appreciate it.

As far as the tiling goes, thank God, I'm finally finished, pain in the neck job,actually pain in the knees. :(

Next I'll paint the face and the sandels.


Roc. :)
Hey Roc,

I have to say that it look really nice. I really like the flesh. You have done a nice job on the knees. A lot of people usually go over board in the area but you have hit the nail on the head! ;)

Thanks Joe, your words are always encouraging to me , much appreciated.

Take care and I hope you're feeling better.


Roc. :)

Looking good. I have this figure on my to-do list, hope it comes out even half as well as yours. The reserach material you posted should come in handy too! Thanks.

Hey Roc,

Thanks. Sorry I took the PM and then had a total mind breakdown! :eek: I look forward to seeing more of this figure. Are you going to Chicago?

Hey Anders,thanks for the encouragement words and for posting the picture,I appreciate it buddy .

By the way your Roman is looking good,especially like the flesh colors,they are spot on.


Roc. :)
Hey Jim, thanks for the kind words,they encourage me to go on.

The research material is my pleasure, I hope it helps.

This figure will give you many hours of enjoyment, I guarantee and you will do just as good a job or even better.

Looking forward to seeing you paint the figure.


Joe,I'm glad you're doing ok, was a little worried about you.

As far as Chicago, I don't think I'll be able to make it this year,maybe next year.

Take care

Centurions and other officers wore crests on their helmets, so that our mule and the men could see them and follow them into battle

Guest, thanks, who ever you are.

Just one question ,why did you sign out using my name? What is the purpose.


Roc. :angry:
Great work buddy, you are doing it superp, thanks for sharing it !! :lol:

Im really happy following this S-b-S thanks
Best Regards
Ed ;)