Completed Marshal George Zhukov from MMM


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Looking good Kev, I like the blue in his left eye, maybe just a bit more shading in the skin tone to give that grim Soviet Union look.

Cheers Simon
Looking good Kev, I like the blue in his left eye, maybe just a bit more shading in the skin tone to give that grim Soviet Union look.

Cheers Simon

Cheers Simon's a naff picture which doesn't help ...was looking at the shadows ..will have a think ! ....need to get this one done and in cabinet

Thanks for looking in and comment

I think the skintone you have there is really good. How do you find the water soluble oils to use?
I think the skintone you have there is really good. How do you find the water soluble oils to use?

Thanks , as for WSO ...they mx with acrylic scale well , I only have used White, Umber, ochre and sienna

Just got to do the forgotten eyebrows ! ....bugger !

Fine work, Kevin, but I think you're shy a few medals, HA! Looks great, Buddy.

Hi Steve

Thanks ...I am ashamed but no doubt the future holds one or two !

what a difference already,the face is looking very nice and beautiful,
keep it up Kev,


Thanks my friend

He is now all finished ...apart from the underside ...that's happening now !

Will post pics tommorow

All sorted


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More pics here :

Thanks to all for looking in

Have FUN @ the bench

Very nicely painted, and well detailed.
What's next...... The Napoleon bust.

Very nicely painted, and well detailed.
What's next...... The Napoleon bust.


Cheers Malc ..,Napoleon is quietly sneaking in every now and then ...not much to show yet

very very nice friend,I love it,the colors,medals it's perfect
another great one (y)

Cheers Mario glad you like it

Nice finish mate, really like the eyes, so you gonna try a flat next?

Cheers Simon

Thank you flat .......yet!

Very nicely done Nap, you do love your medals, great work all around keep it up mate.


TFB Miniatures Team
They do busts in flats as well, some might even have medals.

Cheers Simon

Oh thank you for that !

Here's one I have ( from BFFS @ Bugle Call )


Very nicely done Nap, you do love your medals, great work all around keep it up mate.


TFB Miniatures Team

Cheers Steve

Medals certainly pass a hour or so at the bench !

Yeah that's me in the wheelchair, not permanent but enough that I hate the damn thing, still on the plus side I always have somewhere to sit.

Cheers Simon
Hi everyone


After advice from my friend Pierre regarding the last medal ribbon class sets to his left arm

Pierre writes

Hello Kevin,

The painted bust shows Zhukov's medals and orders correctly, except for the last one, the "Medal for the Capture of Berlin". This medal was established on 9 June 1945, at a time when Zhukov would already have his third star for "Hero of the Soviet Union" and it is unthinkable he would have worn that campaign medal without wearing his three "Hero" stars ( second 29 July 1944, third 1 June 1945) and his second "Order of Victory" .

As such, the medals place the bust by Pavel in a limited timeframe from 10 April 1944 (first "Order of Victory") to beginning of July 1944 (before his second "Hero" star), but without the Berlin medal (easily repainted to a different and earlier campaign medal).

Few people will stumble about this kind of detail, but I know from experience informed Russians certainly will.

Anyway, happy painting,



As a result of this information the medal was repainted so its correct with just the single HSU being worn ( small ribbon bed gold star )

This is the replacement campaign medal blow

All now repainted ...will post pics soon

This is what PF is all about a BIG THANK YOU Pierre


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