Just got this one, Max Wunsche, Warriors 120mm figure. Quite nice, but there are some air bubbles and seams that will have to be taken care of. I hope to start on the cap and face soon.
First, a wartime portrait of Wunsche. Brian Stewart has done an excellent job in capturing his likeness in the resin.
And another one:
I started painting the face this afternoon with Vallejo acrylics. I am using Anders' SBS on eyes as a guide on this one. Colors used are mixes of light brown and cavalry brown, with the area above the eye being almost pure cav. brown. Whites are a mix of white, deck tan, and a bit of light flesh. I plan on doing the rest of the eyes later tonight, then moving on to the face itself.
The face was sculpted by Jim Maddox and not Brian Stewart,the rest of the figure was done by Brian.Brian has never been happy with scuplting heads so he uses what ever is at hand.Mrosko