MFCA 2014 photos


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New Member
May 11, 2014
The Peoples Republic of New Jersey
I am new here, and I hope this is the proper location to post this thread. I attended the MFCA show yesterday (5/10/14) and took a bunch of photos. It was a fantastic show. Here is a link to my Fotki album.

This was one of my favorite pieces, just for the detail alone.
Hi I was there as well, some great quality. My display was damaged beyond repair in the Toronto airport, an over anxious traveller knocked my carrying case out of my hand and pretty well destroyed the figures in it. Biggest bummer was I had figures for another guy that didn't make it as well.

Other than that really great work there. First time there thought the vendors were a little light, lot of Toy Soldier/other stuff.


Sorry for you and Glen Ray. What an upsetting turn if events! Your are to be commended for not getting arrested for assault.

I almost made MFCA this year. Perhaps next and perhaps MMSI this October. Surprised about your vendor comment. I thought Valley Forge was supposed to have the best vendor mart of any show.

So sorry to hear about your misfortune Ray. That sucks! Colin, I have been to the show a few times, and I have to second Ray. Both the figure count and the vendors seemed to be a little lite. But they seem to be that way at the other shows I've been to this year as well. I have been chalking it up to the economy. The vendors that were there were great. I was able to pick up a few thing I had been looking for. Personally, I can't wait for next year.
There was one figure kit vendor missing, Military Miniatures Warehouse. I had several items he carries on my list. There was a dedicated table of United Empire and Model Cellar, Sentinel and Red Lancer were there and 3-4 closet clearing vendors. The guy from New York with all the armor kits who hits AMPS and a few other shows was there again. There was a specialist in Andrea, though not Andrea. Last Cavalry, Hobby Bunker, and maybe a couple others were there as well from the kit world. There is always a big turnout of collector pieces/toy soldiers. Belle and Blade was there as was Keith Rocco and a vendor with a ton of Osprey books.
There was one figure kit vendor missing, Military Miniatures Warehouse. I had several items he carries on my list. There was a dedicated table of United Empire and Model Cellar, Sentinel and Red Lancer were there and 3-4 closet clearing vendors. The guy from New York with all the armor kits who hits AMPS and a few other shows was there again. There was a specialist in Andrea, though not Andrea. Last Cavalry, Hobby Bunker, and maybe a couple others were there as well from the kit world. There is always a big turnout of collector pieces/toy soldiers. Belle and Blade was there as was Keith Rocco and a vendor with a ton of Osprey books.

Sounds like a pretty good selection to me. No Ken Thomas? And by the way, your photos were excellent and comprehensive. Thanks for allowing us shut ins the opportunity to see the show.

"The vendors that were there were great. I was able to pick up a few thing I had been looking for. Personally, I can't wait for next year"

Yea I'm a little poorer this week than I was last week :) I picked up a few books and figures too.


Now I am really annoyed with myself!


You should be. Get in line for a right good paddling!:LOL:
As to the comments about vendors, well, that is all there is. The economy knocked out everyone else. As Al said , MMH was the only figure vendor missing and he forgot to say Time Machine was there.:D
This is the show where you will see the biggest display of the European modellers. There are some who attend MMSI.
I also picked up the auction pieces for the APG Show this year so I can say I have some exclusive pieces in my collection, at least for a little bit.(y) Joel Glass generously donated some Mike Blank, Adrian Bay and others from his collection.
All in all, a great show.

Thanks for the photo gallery. Wow - I've never seen so many original dioramas and vignettes. Proves some people can think outside the box.