Dear friends
Thanx for all the comments! I really had a fun time doing this scene. As for the record the diorama shows the opening stages of the battle of Blenheim in 1704, when the English foot guards advanced against the French, and was heavily hit by french musket fire. In this scene I wanted to show the impact of the french fire into the tight, red lines of the foot guards. As Gary menitoned the fiigures appear to be slightöy slimmer (I am really trying to work with the clothes and creases and folds being in scale)And as Janne mentioned there is perhaps a slight resemblence to my Poltava dio from 2002, I guess we all have our favourite poses and carachters to sculpt in miniature form... I certainly have! And also having quite a few figures. vignettes and dioramas over the last years, some figures will look somewhat alike to earlier works!
As for my website, it is down for reconstruction right now, and to compensate for this I will be more active here on this forum (I guess I can´t be anymore inactive!!!)
Happy modelling
PS I can´t make it to Atlanta but I will be in IIaly in march, and in Valley Forge.