Not a big shop, but a nice one is here:
Miniaturismo Militar Jordi Rubio
Avinguda Gaudí, 56, 08025 Barcelona
Close to one of the main sites, the Sagrada Familia.
Have fun.
Hi, all!
Jordi Rubio is no longer there. They moved to a bigger place not to far away to Corcega street, number 625:
Samarkanda is a small but complete shop that you shouldn't miss:
Also, you can visit Area51 distribuciones. It's owner, Ignacio, has no shop, but you can contact him to visit his warehouse:
Another good shop, if you are into wargames, is Plan B, in the beautiful area of Gracia:
And you can't miss the shops surrounding the area of Arc de Triumf. Comics, books, figures, more miniatures, Warhammer, roleplaying stuff, collectibles, manga and all kind of stuff. They stock material both in english and in spanish:
If you have time after all that, you can still get the train and go to Girona (fantastic city, 1 hour and a half from Barcelona) and visit Art Girona. They have a shop and the workshop. Apart from a very big catalogue of many companies, you can see their impressive collection (miniatures made by Latorre, Pepe Gallardo, José Hernandez, Diego Fernández Fortes, Jesús Gamarra, Román Navarro, Luis Esteban Laguardia, Juan Carlos Ávila and even some of Bill Horan, Mike Blank or Gianfranco Speranza between many others).
I think that this is all. If you have any question about addreses or any other thing ragarding Barcelona, just send me a message
