Model Shops in Great Britain


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Hi everyone;

Once again I find myself escorting a group of students on a European study tour during Spring Break. This time around, we are doing a "literary tour" of Great Britain. So I thought while the others are checking out where the great authors of English literature lived and worked, I might be able to sneak off and hit a few model shops in the U.K.! I will be in London to start the tour (Of course we'll be in and around the London region), then we will be in Edinburgh for a few days before rounding off our tour in Dublin. We get one last free day in London before jetting home again. So are there any model shops that you think I should check out? I'd especially like to find some that have a good stock of figures (naturally). Any advice you'd care to give would be most gratefully received. Cheers;

I can only speak for london and its not looking too good I'm afraid.
The only surviving figure shop I can think of is "Tradition" in Sheperd st,Mayfair.
Not far from there in Picadilly arcade is a shop selling painted figs for collectors...
The halcyon days of realy good model shops in London was about thirty years ago,sadly,just about all of 'em gone!
Do try to check out the National army museum in Royal hospital road,Chelsea.
There are some nice dioramas to see and some fantastic uniforms and paintings.
Hi Glenn,
The only place left in Edinburgh is Wonderland models. Lothian road (near the Princess street end). But not much in the way of figures, more of a plastic kit place now.
If you do happen to find yourself in Glasgow, there is a small but pretty good model store downtown off Argyll Street. Jameison's Models on Saltmarket St. I was last there in 2004 and they had a pretty good selection of figures.
There used to be a lovely little figure shop in St Christophers Place opp
Bond Street Tube stn, off Oxford Street.
I haven,t been there for two years so I do not know if it is still there.
Someone else may be able to update, or see if they have a website.

Does anybody out there have an international index of good figure shops.
It would come in very useful whenever modellers are on holiday or have freetime on business trips. I know we have a lot of Greek Modellers on
Planet Figure, Do any of them know of a decent figure shop in Greece,
or any of the med islands like Cyprus or Crete.
Also people may like to know of Model Shows in the area when they are travelling abroad.
Good Luck with your search Glenn

Hi Glenn,

I can only reflect on what the others have said... thee old fashioned ye oldie model shoppe as we knew it has long since died a death. Some may say good riddance! (Overpriced as they were!)

...we are now a small but global community! (Don't forget that 'military modelling' is but a couple of decades or so old! It's really still quite a 'new' hobby!

The community we have here here is indeed the future!
Thanks everyone. I'll pop in to the shops you've mentioned if I can get away from the group long enough. I seem to remember there was a nice model shop along the Royal mile in Edinburgh, but that was in 1990, so I can't imagine it would still be there. I think Jon is right, the future is on-line, but I always like to pick up a figure in person when I'm abroad, as they make great souviniers.
Under Two Flags in london has sadly closed down.

Glenn, the shop you refer to in Edinburgh was Mac's Models, also gone I'm afraid. I bought my first white metal figure there.:(

Good luck and enjoy your visit.

Modelshops in Scotland

As has already been mentioned.

The only true modelshop in Edinburgh is Wonderland models on Lothian Road. I live in Musselburgh which is only 7 miles away from the centre of Edinburgh, but I have nt been in Wonderland in Years.

Jamiesons in Glasgow is a better bet, also just round the corner from Ians shop there are a couple of Comic collector / wargames shops which are well worth a visit.

Do you know when you are going to be in Edinburgh / Scotland as there are a couple of Modelshows, one in April in Perth (The Scottish Nationals, 24 / 25 April)

And the Glasgow Modelshow in October.

There is also the Irish Model Figure show on the 23/24 MAy at Dublin Castle.

While in Edinburgh try and visit the Castle. And the National Museum of Scotland in Chamber Street, both just of the Royal Mile.


IAn Hanratty
Friendship Models.
Thanks for the tips Ian. I'll try Wonderland as I should be in the neighborhood. I will be in Edinburgh this next week, so I am afraid I'll miss the shows you mentioned. Just part of the curse of geography I must suffer under as a resident of the bald prairie in the Great White North. (emphasis on the white, it snowed another 7 freaking inches this past weekend. So much for Spring!:() Thanks again.

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