Most popular eras for figure painters


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If you could only paint one era, what would it be?

  • Ancients (Greeks, Romans, Celts etc.)

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Dark Ages (Vikings, Barbarians, Huns etc.)

    Votes: 13 4.9%
  • Medieval (Knights, Crusaders, Saracens, Mongols, Byzantines)

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Renaissance (Conquistadors, Rievers, Landsknechts etc.)

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Early modern (approx. late 16th - mid 18th century, incl. Pirates, Cossacks)

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • French & Indian War / AWI

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • French Revolution & Napoleonic

    Votes: 62 23.2%
  • Samurai & Oriental (Medieval up to approx. late 19th century)

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • Old West & American Civil War (post AWI to approx. 1890)

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • British Empire up to WWI

    Votes: 23 8.6%
  • Crimean War & Franco-Prussian War

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • World War I

    Votes: 12 4.5%
  • World War II

    Votes: 33 12.4%
  • 1945 to present

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • Fantasy & Sci-Fi

    Votes: 26 9.7%

  • Total voters
I find it really strange that of 700+ views of this poll only a handful of members have actually voted-I would have thought that this would have been an opportunity to give producers a steer on what is most it apathy?.....don't care?.......most viewers are not members and unable to vote? it more about pose & sculpting?........insufficient categories?

Intrigued......any opinions?.....Claude
.....edit.....Intrigued......any opinions?.....Claude

In my abeit totally unbiased opinion obviously....... Whether the others do or don't vote the category of:

'majestic, elegant, timeless, stylish Napoleonic'

is going to deservedly win hands down so there's little point in them doing so, unless they vote for American first nations figures instead !

Ha ha ha haaaaar :D

I used to have favorite periods, but as the late Joe Shaw said, "If it's a good sculpt, and a great casting, the paint will just flow", and even though the overall standards of Sculpting have much improved, I still use that advice. After all, I need as much help as I can get!!! Ray