Most popular eras for figure painters


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If you could only paint one era, what would it be?

  • Ancients (Greeks, Romans, Celts etc.)

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Dark Ages (Vikings, Barbarians, Huns etc.)

    Votes: 13 4.9%
  • Medieval (Knights, Crusaders, Saracens, Mongols, Byzantines)

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Renaissance (Conquistadors, Rievers, Landsknechts etc.)

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Early modern (approx. late 16th - mid 18th century, incl. Pirates, Cossacks)

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • French & Indian War / AWI

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • French Revolution & Napoleonic

    Votes: 62 23.2%
  • Samurai & Oriental (Medieval up to approx. late 19th century)

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • Old West & American Civil War (post AWI to approx. 1890)

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • British Empire up to WWI

    Votes: 23 8.6%
  • Crimean War & Franco-Prussian War

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • World War I

    Votes: 12 4.5%
  • World War II

    Votes: 33 12.4%
  • 1945 to present

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • Fantasy & Sci-Fi

    Votes: 26 9.7%

  • Total voters
I clicked Sci/Fi and Fantasy because most of mine are that. But I'm drawn more to the figure's sculpting and dynamic pose. So if there's a Roman or Hoplite that looks awesome I'll get it as fast as I would a Wild West guy, a WW1 pilot or even an Troll or Orc. ;)
I'm also drawn to real people. I'd buy a Wyatt Earp or Winston Churchill before I'd get a nondescript pirate...
I don't want to unduly influence any voting, but if anyone else votes WW2 me and the others in the bearskin and shako corner will shove our sabretaches up yer Waffenbarbe baby.

Vive l'Entrepreneurs et les maquettistes.


I know it's a bit late, but the Second Battalion want a word...

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Does anyone happen to know of a good place to purchase miniatures in the 25 to 28mm scale? I am trying to find a place that is cheap but not bad quality.
Does anyone happen to know of a good place to purchase miniatures in the 25 to 28mm scale? I am trying to find a place that is cheap but not bad quality.


Resurrecting an old thread is probably not the best way to ask this question especially as it's not really relevant to the original thread. Better to start a new thread.

Does anyone happen to know of a good place to purchase miniatures in the 25 to 28mm scale? I am trying to find a place that is cheap but not bad quality.

For 25mm you can look at plastic soldier review. They've reviewed most soft plastic sets so that should give you an idea of what you might want to look for.
For 28mm, have a look at Perry Miniatures. They have quite a few plastic and metal figures.

For 25mm you can look at plastic soldier review. They've reviewed most soft plastic sets so that should give you an idea of what you might want to look for.
For 28mm, have a look at Perry Miniatures. They have quite a few plastic and metal figures.


View attachment 445947

Resurrecting an old thread is probably not the best way to ask this question especially as it's not really relevant to the original thread. Better to start a new thread.

Many thanks to both of you!
Just a small part of the list
25mm selection.png

The full list, bis repetita placent, is still avilable freely in XLS format here

under the name
Figurines , Wargame, Flat, Toys, uniforms upgraded 28 Jan 2022 > 2000 links
> 1000 direct links to uniform books
> 1000 direct links to manufacturers
> 1000 direct links to accessories
added 100th of links to accessories
More than 1.500 actuals manufacturers
LINKS 28 Jan 2022.xlsx
Feuille de calcul Microsoft Excel 4.3 MB

And for real beauties see

oniria jun 2022.jpg
ooh that was difficult to choose. I cut my teeth on Napoleonics as I loved the uniforms and this era of history, however, over time one looks at other periods of history and sees similar flamboyance in these too (eg landsknecht and SYW) so I guess my answer would have been C15 -C19 with a bit a fantasy too.