Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I can explain the speed at which I paint in a few ways. Firstly, I get super excited when a figure arrives in the post and the box hasn't even had time to get up to room temperature (from being outside in the Canadian winter) before I have it opened. That's why I don't have much of a grey army, all of the figures I've ordered have been started to some degree or another. Secondly, my method of painting, with an acrylic undercoat over which oils are applied, has proven to me to be quick as well as effective (by my eye anyway). So I don't have to build up a lot of layers or glazes which would add to the painting time considerably. And thirdly, I retired from teaching this past June, after 31 years in the classroom. So now, I can put in 5-6 hours painting without being interrupted by my lovely wife, who continues to teach full time.