Let me make this clear,,,its not about sales or protecting them.
its about a bust which in my estimation is a perfectly normal representation of a human being,,, that is neither disfigured nor a hunchback within any normal human postural parameters. Disfigured and hunchback are terms for postures/anatomy which are obviously not normal.
In question is the anatomy and posture of the bust,,,nothing else. To my trained eye this exists within normal human parameters,,,I am a Registered Osteopath of 24 years and I can tell you the posture and mechanics of movement of this bust are normal. Otherwise I would have told Carl to change it,,,that would not have been a problem for either of us.
I asked for an explanation of their comment ,,,that's all,,,is that not a fair request within a community of like minded people. Just because I am a manufacturer am I not a member of this community.