Completed my first 2 figures ever.


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Active Member
Feb 3, 2012
Mckinney Tx.
Hi all, these are my only figures ive painted. however i got alot of info on techniqes from my nephew. id like to now what you gentlemen (and ladies) think. all comment welcome, good and bad. im here to learn and make new friends.
Pretty damn good for your first time... I'm quite impressed.
You'll learn alot here, some great artists here, all very helpful indeed.

Keep up the good work(y)

Very well done for a first time in the ring. keep it up and you will only improve from here, which means you will get really good. heck, they look really good now!(y)

Cheers, Ski.:D
Hey Ski,

Thanks a bunch man! like i said, my nephew really got me off to a great start so i didnt just jump in blindly. couldnt have done this good without his guidence.

Hi Gary, For first attempts these are really good and you should be proud of what you have achieved-I don't think you will look back on these in years to come as I do on some of my early pieces and want to strip them and start again. All the basics are there but you will learn some subtle techniques for improvement from the forum and just with more painting.
You obviously have a good tutor, there is no replacement for one to one advice and encouragement or watching demos at shows etc.
Look forward to seeing more of your work.
Wow, excellent stuff. Did you use an airbrush for the tones of grey on the German officers legs? The transitions are very nice.
For first figures these are awesome.
But what a good job, congratulations!
I would have believed you if you said you had paint for many years. I'm impressed.


Are you sure this is your first 2 figures???,damn good for the first 2 thou (y)(y)(y)

I really like your work,especially the German officer.
I would probably added more contrast on the grenadier's coat,but that is my preference and we cannot have a good critique based on preferences,so 2 thumbs up and keep posting your figures and like Colin said,there is a lot of people here willing to help and give advice.
Best regards
Wow! Thanks gentlemen.

my nephew told me they turned out nice but you guys really make me feel great about what ive done. i guess i should have explained in the original post that the alpine kit came with 2 heads which allowed me to practice before going for it on the main head. also i had to strip the practice head down a couple times and restart. the face was so hard for me.

on the officer i did use an airbrush on the lightest highlight color. and before i painted the details i use one of my armor finishing methods and sprayed a blue "filter" on it. dont know if thats something thats normally done in large scale figure painting but it seemed to work for my officer. i like the tone of the uniform after i did that.

yes! these are my first 2 figures painted but it wasnt a one shot one kill type thing. i made mistakes and had to redo a few things but overall im very happy with them.

Thanks everyone for the kind and very encourageing comments. i very much appreciate it!:)

I wish my first "few" looked so good when I started. It took me years to get to that level of painting. You will only get far better with each one.(y)
Very, very good work owe your nephew either a beer or a Coke :D
I'm new at this hobby too, my tutors are all here on PF. Makes all the difference in the world.
Looking forward to seeing your next project,

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