Completed my first 2 figures ever.


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I'll post him up on here when done Keith - provided it doesn't go tits-up and I have to start again :lol:.

- Steve
Indeed Keith - my gob was suitably smacked, my gast was extremely flabbered and my awe was greatly inspired.

Thanks for the link Gary, looks fantastic. I've bookmarked it to peruse properly at leisure later on.

I've currently got 2 tanks all ready for the paint shop (plus a T-34 about half a dozen grab-handles away from being ready) but at the moment I'm on a roll with my Andrea 90mm Dacian War Roman legionnaire so am going to try and finish him first before I get too distracted by anything else.

- Steve

Hey Steve,

Another one of my favorite things, a Roman Legionnaire! i definately want to do one some day. my last 2 completed kits were a polish Staghound Mk.1 and a factory 112 T-34. im definately a tankoholic! but as im realizing i like the taste of a figure or two.:awesome: heres my staghound on planetarmor.

and my T-34

Thanks gentlemen!:)

Fantastic work there Gary. Coincidentally it's the Factory 112 T-34 that I have on the go right now. Talk about "great minds think alike" :cool:. I've also got the Tamiya JS-3 in the early stages of assembly. I do like the Russian stuff.

There are some absolutely beautiful Roman figures out there to choose from when you come to do a legionnaire. I have quite a few in the stash myself. Pegaso, Romeo, Andrea and Soldiers all do some real crackers.

- Steve
Hey Steve,

Thanks man!:) you know, that IS what ive heard that "great minds think alike". looks to be true in this case!:lol::lol::lol: when i saw Spartacus with kirk douglas when i was young, i was blown away with the battle scene. the roman legion marching across the field....ooooh goose bumps! when i was 10 i made a shield out of a TV tray and carved a gladius out of some wood and i was a roman soldier all summer long.:lol: aaah!..the good old days.:D

Hi Rafael,
Thanks! yes they are my first figs.

Hi Gary, I just saw this thread and am very impressed with your two first figures. You did an awesome job! I think it runs in your blood. Now bear with me while I tell you a little story. Years back when I was an unmarried Soldier living in the barracks, I would build armor models and try to paint tank crew figures. Our First Sergeant while inspecting my room noticed my hobby and began giving me some pointers. He invited me to his house and when I saw his armor and figure collection my jaw hit the floor. Anyway, he introduced me to oils for doing my figures and gave me help on improving my tanks. He has since retired from the Army as a CSM and obtained a degree in fine arts. He mostly spends his time now with his art, but occcaisionally builds a tank. I don't think he has done a figure in years (a pity), except for maybe a crew figure. So, here is the really interesting part, like yourself, his name is Gary Boggs!
I just read your posting here. i literally have GOOSE BUMPS right now! thats just an amazing coincidence. One of my sisters does the whole geneology/ansestory thing. she has tracked our Boggs history all the way to Scotland in the times of William Wallace. We are all (Boggs) supposed to be related but i dont no how accurate any of that stuff is. my sister swears by it. anyway, i thank you for sharing that with me and i cant wait to tell my sister, she will freak out!:D

Thanks Joe and best wishes to you and yours!


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