Thank you all for your cr1ts/ideas and nice words and support. At the end of the day it is a hobby and the hard work, the craft, the artistry, the knowledge gained through research and experimentation, the friendships made the overall appreciation and respect of fellow artists are all that really matter. No one has to like it, but being and keeping things constructive is key. I agree with most when people say feelings and politics have no place here. Its about the art and becoming the best one can be and that can never be done alone.
Jimmy- Yes probably not the most gracious of a self introduction into the forum. in retrospect i would have done a different character. I do plan on doing a whole series of woman in various conflicts. Insurgents and military. Kurdish, African British etc There are so many small overlooked things in military history that I would like to research and portray. I really love WW2 history and figures but cant bring myself to make another German.
My overall goal is to create statues that feel human. Whether they are scum or saints they are people with story. You don't have to agree or like it but please put Politics and feelings aside. I actually didn't sleep last night. I don't like starting confrontation or ill feelings. So please talk about the art good or bad.
Martin-Thanks for being constructive. Indeed the character came about when i saw the propaganda piece on the right. Its based on that. Mostly I had never seen an AR-18 and really wanted to model one as well. Talk about a lack of reference! I have a replaceable head with a balaclava but don't really want to use it. It would make her generic and faceless. People good or bad have story. I'm electing for the heals just to cement the time frame of the 70's. She is definitely not going to be action oriented or doing anything negative or disrespectful.
Martin, Jimmy, Kevin, Akaryu, and everyone else Thank you and I am looking forward to moving forward! I started and I will finish it. Next time choose my subjects with a tad more thought. or not. I'm dumb. The main thing that bothered me a was being told it was a waste of time to sculpt the face. Sculpting and painting are never a waste of time!