Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Been a while, but here's one I just finished - a soldier of the Highland Light Infantry of Canada near Caen in July of 1944, based on a Ron Volstad plate in an Osprey Men at Arms title. The base figure is Hornet's 1/35th Commonwealth Infantryman, but I modified it slightly by replacing the head with one from Alpine, adding a Mk III helmet from Ultracast with netting from tulle fabric and hessian strips from Apoxie Sculpt. More Apoxie Sculpt was used to make the shoulder flashes and 3rd Cdn Div. formation patches and the gaiters were carved away and the boots resculpted to depict the buckle-flap style boots worn by the 3rd Cdn. Div. in the Normandy campaign. It's painted up in oils over acrylic base coats:
As always, comments, critiques and advice much appreciated.
Been a while, but here's one I just finished - a soldier of the Highland Light Infantry of Canada near Caen in July of 1944, based on a Ron Volstad plate in an Osprey Men at Arms title. The base figure is Hornet's 1/35th Commonwealth Infantryman, but I modified it slightly by replacing the head with one from Alpine, adding a Mk III helmet from Ultracast with netting from tulle fabric and hessian strips from Apoxie Sculpt. More Apoxie Sculpt was used to make the shoulder flashes and 3rd Cdn Div. formation patches and the gaiters were carved away and the boots resculpted to depict the buckle-flap style boots worn by the 3rd Cdn. Div. in the Normandy campaign. It's painted up in oils over acrylic base coats:

As always, comments, critiques and advice much appreciated.